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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Photos galore

UPDATED: Ok I have added some new photos including some recent ones. There were so many to choose from. I am also adding new photos to my "other" blog. So make sure to check it out too. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Ok I know there are lot of photos here. This is kinda like a mini photo album of the last year in a nut shell. I will add pictures from December as I take them. Hope you enjoy the photos.
Dec 2007 BREAKOUT! I thought this was too funny!

Dec 2007 More proof that we do get wet weather here in the desert. It was crazy foggy this particular morning.

November 2007 We celebrated Christmas early with my folks since we will be spending Christmas at home.

November 2007 We celebrated Christmas early with my folks since we will be spending Christmas at home.

November 2007 (Cousin)

November 2007 Snapping fresh green beans for Thanksgiving

November 2007 (Phoenix Zoo Stingray Bay)

November 2007 (Phoenix Zoo Stingray bay)

October 2007 (Halloween)

October 2007

October 2007 (This is what is inside a Mexican Jumping bean FYI)

October 2007 They are looking at Mexican jumping beans

October 2007

End of September 2007

September 2007 (Cicada Shell)

September 2007

August 2007

August 2007

End of July 2007 Proof that AZ does get SOME rain... LOL

July 2007

June 2007 Mike performed a wedding for my cousin in Tombstone, Az

June 2007

May 2007

May 2007 (Wild Life World Zoo)

End of April 2007

April 2007 Easter

Mar 2007 We went to visit some friends.

March 2007 Tim's good friend came to visit.

Feb 2007 The kids celebrated their birthday with some friends from church

Jan 2007 (Phoenix zoo)

Jan 2007 Tim and Lex started the year having a good time.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Halloween and pumpkin pics

Ok so I know it has been awhile since I posted, and I have been promising pics to certain people (Sorry it took so long), so here you go... the cutest Purple Butterfly princess, and Fireman you have ever seen! Not that I am biased or anything... heh. We actually had a nice quiet Halloween.... We went to the library the day before, and saw a puppet show and got some candy, and all that. Halloween fell on a Wednesday this year, and since we are normally in our Wednesday night prayer service at our church, we felt we needed to continue to be there. So, the kids still got to dress up and get candy... just a the day before. We also stopped by my in laws (Tues. night), where their uncle was more than happy to oblige them with tricks and treats. So over all it was a good couple of days.

Even before all that though we were getting in the fall spirit. We went to a pumpkin patch with some good friends and picked pumpkins and then decorated them. The kids had a blast. What a difference a year makes though. Last year, the kids wanted nothing to do with the rides at the pumpkin patch... this year they were all like "Mom we want to go BY OURSELVES" I was like shesh, are we already to the point where I am THAT uncool. :(
However, the kids being oblivious to my disappointment at being so uncool, had a blast picking out pumpkins, riding the rides, and petting the animals at the petting zoo. Lex cracks me up. All she wanted to do was pick the smallest baby pumpkin. Now, anyone who has been around her can just imagine her saying in her most girlie voice... "Mommy, I wanna pick the smmaaaalllleeesssttt pumpkin... a baby one." I about lost it I was laughing so hard when she said that. Tim on the other hand is realizing that bigger is usually better. "Mom, I wanna pick a pumpkin thiiiiissss big!" (he stretches out his arms wide) It was great!
Well, so far our Autumn is off to a great start. We have had lots of beautiful weather, so we have been out doors a lot. I am hoping the trend continues, and that Winter will bring lots more opportunities for us to be out and about. It helps that we live in the desert... hahaha to all those who live in the snow! LOL just kidding. This is the time of year we love to call family and friends in NY and tease them.
Anyway, I guess that's all for now... Thanks for stopping by, and drop a me a line every now and then and let me know how you all are ok.
Thanks, and enjoy the pics!

Monday, October 01, 2007


This word had been on mind the last few days. I know, I know... of course it would be, I have two kids, it would be silly if I did not see myself as a parent. But this goes deeper than just being a parent. It's more about the relationships and emotions that come with being a parent. The word parenthood seems to encompass, a lifetime, rather than just one single moment. It encompasses the whole, from even the mere idea of having a baby to... well parenting never ends... but you get the idea...right? I dunno, maybe I am just rambling on... and on... and on...
I think a lot of it has to do with the recent baby boom that seems to be surrounding us at the moment. I have several friends who are pregnant, and another who delivered a bouncing baby girl just a few days ago. Not to mention, that my sister in law is in a hospital, at this very moment, waiting to meet the child she has nurtured for 9 months, face to face. Hopefully by this time tomorrow, our kids will have a new cousin. We are so thrilled.
Anyway, this brings me to my point. When I got pregnant the first time, we were so excited, and we could not wait to enter into parenthood. The whole idea of being parents and having a baby was exciting and yes a little scary...If I knew then what I know now, I think I would have approached it a little differently. Oh, don't get me wrong, the rewards far out weigh the bad things. But for all you first timers out there... they smell fear. LOL
No really, the first few months are a little tough, but you manage to get through it. I think, it's that thought and the first few months of parenthood that actually prepare you for the rest of it. You see parenthood is not easy. And it is something you do for the rest of your life. Once you have a child, you never cease to be a parent. Yet somehow, we mange to get through (most days with a smile). Granted, there is a lot of God's Grace, a little raising of the voices every now and then, and lots of sticky, muddy, gooey hugs. (I love the hugs... they are the best)
Parenthood. It's a big word... it encompasses so much more than I ever realized. And for that I am truly thankful.
If parenting were easy, I don't think we would feel so many emotions all at once... joy, fear, happiness, anticipation... all at the same time. As a mother I take these feelings for granted. All these emotions that hit all at the same time. I take this in a stride these days. As a mother of two preschoolers, I don't have time to dwell on every emotion that comes my way. But I should... at the very least slow down, and savor these times a little more than I do.
Mike and I talk all the time about how fast the kids are growing and learning. I think this will be more pronounced in the up coming weeks. My brother in law is a Marine. He is returning from a tour of duty and will be home this upcoming week. We all are very excited to see him. My mom (in law) always tells me, he would ask how the little ones are, when he would call home. Just in the 9 months he has been gone my kids have changed so much. I mean, Tim can hold whole conversations on particular topics, tell riddles and actually understand the punch lines. Alexa is getting more girlie all the time. She loves to dress up, sing and dance to her favorite princess movies. These are recent things. Mike's niece's baby was just a few months old when Jess left, now he is almost a year. He is trying so hard to walk and talk... and he has managed to put on a few more pounds in the process.
This is the process of parenthood. It's not just the big milestones, but the little ones. The things that will help your child grow into a wonderful, compassionate, caring, smart, witty adult. It's a long process, but worth every minute.
Anyway, I am not sure if any of this makes much sense, but in looking at the time, I suppose I would be shocked if it did. This is what I get for deciding to blog at midnight. heh
I hope that the thing you take from this post, is this...
Parenthood is not easy, but it is worth every minute. Take time to savor all the moments you can, because it really does go by fast.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by to read the ramblings of a very tired, yet ,very content mother.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Quick note

Just a quick note to let everyone know I updated my "craft" blog. Please feel free to stop by, check it out, leave a comment or two... or three... or whatever. Thanks!
Hope you all had a happy 4th of July!
More updates coming soon! :)

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Well it seems like the last few months have just flown by. Where does the time go? Ahhh, yes, the ageless question of time.
Anyway, things are still busy here. We are planning to go to my cousins wedding next week and then the kids and I will be off to visit my folks for a week. It should be lots of fun (and very tiring... LOL)

Here are some updated photos of the kids for ya'll...

We took the kids bowling for the first time the other day. It was a hoot! The kids had a blast. Here is Alexa, all of 25 pounds, carrying a 6 pound bowling ball. You do the math. She was determined though to lift it, gotta give her credit there. As for me, let's just say the kids are a great excuse to use the bumper pads.

I have never been overly fond of bowling shoes, but who knew they made them so little. The kids just looked adorable in their little bowling shoes.

And here is one more of the two of them actually being nice to each other... LOL (Hey it does not happen to much these days... most of the time 30 seconds after they are hugging they are wrestling with each other on the ground.)

Anyway, I also took some time to update my "Craft" blog. I have made some changes, and will be using my craft site now to (mostly) post photos and photo related crafts. I would love it if everyone would check it out and post some feed back on the photos.

Thanks so much... Don't get to over heated this summer and take care.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Resolutions Shmezolutions

Yes it has been almost 2 months since my last post. And yes, I did say in my post in January that I would be better at posting. Resolutions, shmezolutions. :) By now most people have forgotten what their resolutions were anyway (or they have just given up), at least I am still here, and still posting. Ok... maybe not as often as I had hoped, but... I'm here.
Just to be up front, this post will contain no pictures. Sorry, none at all. I just wanted to state that up front, so that any of you who stop by and just look at the pictures without really reading the posts (you have no idea what you are missing), can just go now! (you know who you are... LOL)
We just managed to buy a new computer and I have not had a chance to get my camera software up yet. But I promise, the next post will have pics, as I have some VERY cute ones of the kids in their sun glasses and some from the park, and... well you get the idea. With Easter right around the corner, there are bound to be some of the kids worth posting (as well as some very embarrassing ones of family members in bunny ears.)
Well... a lot has happened since I last posted.
We are still mourning the loss of our child. I was only 12 weeks along in my pregnancy, when I miscarried. Even that early on, it was hard. However, I can rejoice. God has blessed us with so much, and for whatever reason, he decided that we were not meant to have another child... at this time. It is all in God's hands, and for that I am grateful.
We have also experienced death on the other end of the scale. My Great Aunt Evelyn died just 2 weeks ago. She was 89 years old. A wonderful Godly woman, she will be greatly missed.
After all that, it was wonderful to get to spend a week with my folks. The kids miss them so much.
Even after a full week of Gramps driving her nuts by antagonizing her to tears and pushing her buttons, the first words out of Lex's mouth the Sunday after we got back were " Where's Gramps?"
Oh don't get me wrong... the two of them have a VERY antagonistic relationship. She loves to annoy him. Constantly hanging on his legs, wanting him to flip her over and spin her around, and the constant sound of "Gramps (slightly louder) Gramps (slightly louder still) Gramps (Yelling) Gramps!" all day long (it's especially annoying at 6 in the morning).
Anyway, the fact is that these kids love their grandparents.
And for Grandparents I am very grateful. They are full of wisdom, and good advice; they love to spoil the kids with things parents wish they could buy but would feel guilty if they actually did; and they love to babysit. For that last one I am extremely grateful. (Can you tell we are planning a night out and we will be hitting up the grandparents for babysitting... heh)
So, there is a little peek at just some of the craziness that is our lives.
I have been bugging Mike to get a post up, as I seem to be the one doing all the work, even though this blog was his idea. So maybe if all you bug him enough he will get something posted before to long.
Just in case I don't get around to posting before, Everyone have a Happy Easter!
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 26, 2007


As I sit here and type this, my daughter decided to climb in my lap and snuggle. I do love these moments. I admit, I take them for granted. With the addition of a third child on the way, I know there will be many more moments like this, so I tend to not look at it for what it truly is.... In all honesty, I am not really sure *exactly* all of the emotions these moments hold. There is joy, and happiness, contentment, love, and yes, even a little annoyance (that she keeps getting in the way of my typing, and wanting to me to look at her and to rub noses. It's cute, but it's hard to get much done) but I think by far, the largest feeling is serenity.
Dictionary.com defines serenity as:
se·ren·i·ty [suh-ren-i-tee] –noun, plural
1.the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness.
1. composure, calm, peacefulness, peace.

Most of these moments spent snuggling with my kids are just that, peaceful, calm and tranquil. I love those moments, where there are no other distractions, and I can focus on my children. It's usually in those times I realize how much they have grown, and matured. I think that is because we are on the go so much, that I do not see those things until I am in a much less distracted state. I love those moments.
I am hoping with this new baby, I will have learned to appreciate those moments, and not just assume there will be lots of others. I know for a fact, that these moments are all to fleeting. For the first time in a long time, my son fell asleep in my lap at bed time last night. I had all but forgotten what that was like, as my kids are pretty good sleepers and do not require much to go sleep. It was serene. Peaceful. I cherish that, as my son, just shy of age 3, does not come and cuddle all that often any more (way to much energy for that). I realize that I miss that.
So even though there is that slight annoyance at having to retype the same sentence 3 times, because my daughter keeps wanting me to rub noses... I will cherish this moment. We will never be able to get it back, no matter how many others there will be.
I want my kids to look back at their childhood, on moments like this, and think "It's all good." I know I will.