Just wanted to take some time to post some updated photos, and drop a line or two about the happenings in our busy household.
Well, I guess first up would have to be our annual trip to see my folks and attend VBS at their church. The kids had a blast. We spent some time at the local splash pad, as well as attending VBS everyday, so we were pretty busy.
Next, I guess would be Independence day. We celebrated with both sides of our family, with a BBQ at the house, and ended the day watching the fireworks from our front yard. We almost missed them though as it was very cloudy and rainy in some parts of our normally clear skied city.
Not to long after the 4th, Mike and I celebrated 13 years of marriage. It's crazy to think we have been married that long... although admittedly some times it feels like a lot longer than that... ROFL. Really, Mike and I have had 13 years together and are incredibly blessed that the God has granted us that much time, and we can only hope and pray for may more years to come. (OK now everybody all together.... AWWWWWWWWWWW!)
Well, our most recent outing was at a local splash pad here in the valley. We had a blast, as usual. Anything that can cool you off in the desert is always a good thing.
Over all things are well here. We are dealing with an infestation of ants in our house, but other than that things are well here. I am always on the look out for more photo opportunities with the kids, so hopefully there will be more to post soon. Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a great weekend!