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Bible verse of the day

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I will get to posting soon.... things are moving at light speed here... more to come soon I promise.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Sorry for the delay in posting. Things seem to be moving at light speed here these days. Christmas is almost upon us, so that makes for some crazy times.

The weather here is so beautiful it's hard for us to stay inside some days. Now that Erika is mobile things have gotten a lot harder though. She likes to take off after her brother and sister. She has no fear, she likes to go where they go... including up into the big play areas. Shesh! Park days just got a lot more complicated. :P

Alexa has been enjoying dressing up in the last few months. In fact she had a hard time for Halloween, before settling on the princess costume. But she has now informed me that she will be dressing up for Christmas and New Years as various Disney princesses. LOL

We have also decided on a theme for the kids birthdays that should satisfy both kids... We are going for a medieval theme of knights and princesses. Kinda smart huh?... This way we stave off having to have two separate parties for at least one more year. LOL

We have also been busy decorating for Christmas. We made snowflakes one day with Tim and Lex... that was fun. Erika loves the tree. She gets so excited. Although we are finding that the ornaments are slowly migrating to the top of the tree. Every time she takes one off we put it up a little higher. LOL Opening presets will be interesting this year for sure.

Well I will leave it at that for now... we are having our homeschool Christmas party tomorrow and making cookies on Saturday, so I should have more to post by Monday. Then I likely will not post again until after the first of the year...

Although I may try and sneak some Christmas shots up... we'll see if I have time.
So for now I hope you enjoy these and make sure to check back early next week.