We are well... just really busy. All three kids have been on a high learning curve the last few months, so we have ramped up school on all levels. The two older ones are both reading, so we take full advantage of that and they are both reading chapter books to Mike most evenings. Erika is coming along as well, she knows her ABC's and can count to 13... after that it gets a little fuzzy as she starts skipping around until she says "20!" so proudly. LOL
We have also added Greek to their languages. That is Mike's area, as learning languages is not my forte... but it seems to come naturally for Mike and the kids. The kids have been able to pick up on the Greek and Latin fairly quickly. The Greek is set to music, so even Erika is now walking around singing the songs her siblings are learning. (Now if they would all just stop squabbling over every little thing, things would be great all around...heh)
We have also added more responsibilities for the older kids now. On top of normal chores, both kids are learning how to cook. Come to find out Tim likes it and seems to have a good sense for what seasonings work together. (If I could just get the girls to try veggies I would be happy)
As far as Mike and I go, we are well. Mike started working an earlier shift at work. It is nice to have him home earlier in the day and he seems a less stressed. I am sure less traffic plays a role in that. :) We are looking for a new vehicle. UGH I really do hate car shopping, but with Mike's new shift and the declining state of our current car, it is a necessity. Hopefully we will find something in our price/mileage range soon (I am hoping by this weekend to have something, but we will see.) It seems like we have lots of decisions to make about our future, but I am not sure when the future got so expensive. LOL it seems like the older we get the more everything costs. Housing, schooling, cars, ugh... it all adds up and fast. Sigh... so we are taking things one by one and keeping our eyes open for opportunities in the other areas. (However, donations are being accepted, make checks payable to me... just kidding.)
God is good and we are happy... learning to be content with where we are and with what we have. <3
We pray that all who read this are well and enjoying life.