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Bible verse of the day

Monday, April 10, 2006

Attack of the Claw/Attack of the Books

Ok, so it was not really a claw, and it was not really an attack. Although it was a coordinated attempt on the part of mom and dad to cut Timmy's nails. Now, you would have thought Grendel himself was coming after Timmy by the way he reacted toward my cutting his nails. Although Shannon tells me that the way he acted toward me was *considerably* more mild than when she has tried it herself or even her mother when she was here.

My strategy was to give Tim a pillow (which he covered his face with) and let him watch cartoons. Then I had mom come over to comfort him. Sort of worked. Sort of didn't. But, to be honest with you, what was hardest for me was not the movements of Timothy. They were easy to predict so I did not hurt him. Nor was it the crying. What was most difficult was my own laughter. Let me explain before you think that I am a sadistic father.

Whenever Timothy knows that he is in trouble, or thinks he is in trouble, he runs through his entire family lineage aloud hoping someone will hear him and come to his rescue. So, when I was clipping his nails, he was crying, "GwampaUnaJim" which, being translated is Grampa and Uncle Jim. See, in later Timothean dialect, the phrase "GwammaGwampa" has been displaced with "GwampaUnaJim" to indicate that the place we visit is cleary Grandpa's, and Uncle Jim plays with him there.

Once they did not come to his rescue, he went through the list, "GrannyGwamps" which are his Grandparents in Yuma, "Brian and Megan" which is his uncle and future aunt in New York.

By this point, I am only slightly chuckling. Then, in his most emphatic scream, he yells, "Alexa!!!" So, desperate was he to get away from those clippers that he was willing to call upon Alexa to rescue him. Baby sister to the rescue!!

Ok, Shannon and I tried hard to suppress even our earlier chuckles because we both still remember what it was like as a kid to have "The Claw" come and get us as well. But, we
completely lost it when he called upon the Mighty Alexa!

Last night, as I had been recovering from the flu (102.9 at its worse), the kids were trying to play with me and it crushed me having to turn them away. So, knowing that dad likes to read (because they see me do it alot) Alexa brought me a book from my library.

I chuckled and thanked her and started to read the book since she brought it too me. She has good taste since it was Charles Spurgeon. However, the trend continued. [Interjection: As I write this, Alexa brought me her Barbie doll...and held her up by her hair. I had to chuckle at that.] Ok, where was I? Oh yes, after I had accepted one book, next, Alexa brought a computer book that was about half her size. Then another theology book, a philosophy book. Not to be outdone, Timothy started bringing bigger books.

Not really in the condition to stop the flood, I had a great idea. "Shannon, see that notebook that is on its way over to me by the lovely hands of the blueyed Alexa? Why not get two pencils and have them draw?"

Worked like a charm. Alexa seemed more focused, but Tim was more creative. He first said that he spelled his name. Now, what impressed us was not the scribbles on the paper that looked nothing like T-I-M but that he told us that he was spelling T-I-M. He had never done that before. My son can spell his name.

Then he drew a "kitty." Alexa just drew and drew her little heart out.

I was still feverish so I could only partially enjoy things as they happened. But, these things I write that you may enjoy them as well.

I wonder if I have blackmail material against Timothy for a future girlfriend for the "Alexa" thing.

1 comment:

rustypth said...

you can definitely blackmail later on. if you get some video footage of this, your case would be even stronger