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Bible verse of the day

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Where does the time go?

Ok, so I realize that I missed the monthly deadline for posting (Thanks Rusty for being my alarm clock) But I have a good excuse... No really I do... You ready... Ok, here goes...
Yes that's right you heard me... Life. Life happens, and right now my life is pretty busy, and all in boxes.
I am sitting right in the middle of a big pile of boxes, as we continue to pack and get ready to move this coming weekend. That is a job in and of its self. But try doing it with two very curious and active toddlers. I feel like I have repacked the same box all week. In goes the book and as soon as I turn to get another one, out it goes, in the grubby hands of one of the kids. (sigh) Oh, the kids are having a blast... They are being chased all over to get said book back, and then there seems to be a lot of tickling and laughing involved in order to actually get the book back in the box. I guess anything that involves tickling and laughing cannot be all bad. It just does not make for an environment where a lot of packing gets done.
Also, several of us have been sick this week, so that has not helped any either. We all seem to have recovered fine. It was nothing major, but just enough to make you want to do nothing but lie around for about 24 hours while you recover.
Then of course there is still the day to day stuff... You know... Life. The house still needs to be picked up so we are not tripping on toys, dishes still need to be washed, bills still need to be paid... Well you get the idea. LIFE. It happens. It happens a lot in a house with two toddlers.
(But I would not not have it any other way!!)
Well these are my excuses for not getting a blog posted within the monthly time frame.
What's your excuse?


rustypth said...

you guys must be excited - moving this Sat. w00t

Crothos said...

Grats on moving.

I uh.. just get a little.. uh.. side tracked someti... oooo a butterfly!


rustypth said...

"Where does the time go?"

Answer: Time flies when you're on caffeine!