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Monday, November 05, 2007

Halloween and pumpkin pics

Ok so I know it has been awhile since I posted, and I have been promising pics to certain people (Sorry it took so long), so here you go... the cutest Purple Butterfly princess, and Fireman you have ever seen! Not that I am biased or anything... heh. We actually had a nice quiet Halloween.... We went to the library the day before, and saw a puppet show and got some candy, and all that. Halloween fell on a Wednesday this year, and since we are normally in our Wednesday night prayer service at our church, we felt we needed to continue to be there. So, the kids still got to dress up and get candy... just a the day before. We also stopped by my in laws (Tues. night), where their uncle was more than happy to oblige them with tricks and treats. So over all it was a good couple of days.

Even before all that though we were getting in the fall spirit. We went to a pumpkin patch with some good friends and picked pumpkins and then decorated them. The kids had a blast. What a difference a year makes though. Last year, the kids wanted nothing to do with the rides at the pumpkin patch... this year they were all like "Mom we want to go BY OURSELVES" I was like shesh, are we already to the point where I am THAT uncool. :(
However, the kids being oblivious to my disappointment at being so uncool, had a blast picking out pumpkins, riding the rides, and petting the animals at the petting zoo. Lex cracks me up. All she wanted to do was pick the smallest baby pumpkin. Now, anyone who has been around her can just imagine her saying in her most girlie voice... "Mommy, I wanna pick the smmaaaalllleeesssttt pumpkin... a baby one." I about lost it I was laughing so hard when she said that. Tim on the other hand is realizing that bigger is usually better. "Mom, I wanna pick a pumpkin thiiiiissss big!" (he stretches out his arms wide) It was great!
Well, so far our Autumn is off to a great start. We have had lots of beautiful weather, so we have been out doors a lot. I am hoping the trend continues, and that Winter will bring lots more opportunities for us to be out and about. It helps that we live in the desert... hahaha to all those who live in the snow! LOL just kidding. This is the time of year we love to call family and friends in NY and tease them.
Anyway, I guess that's all for now... Thanks for stopping by, and drop a me a line every now and then and let me know how you all are ok.
Thanks, and enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are cute!