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Bible verse of the day

Monday, March 30, 2009


Here are some random photos from the last few weeks I thought I'd share.


Sorry for the delay in posting. In between being busy our youngest managed to squeeze in a few days of utter crankiness. She is teething and handling it pretty badly. She was at one point, last week, running a fever of 102.2. We think on top of her teething, she managed to catch a cold or something, as now she is coughing and has a runny nose. Poor baby.
Anyway she is now officially 5 months old as of the 25th. Bet you all thought I forgot huh? Here is her monthly teddy pic: I just love the ones where she is "talking" to the bear.

Here are a few of the new things she has accomplished in the last month:
* She is now rolling over from her back to her tummy. Mike said he saw her go from her tummy over to her back, but I have yet to see her do that, so I think Mike is a little delusional. (heh)
* I have also started her on solid foods. Not to much other than some oatmeal and some squash, but I am going to start introducing some new stuff this week.
* She is becoming much more adept at grabbing things, and can now manage to pick up most objects, so any of Tim and Lex's small stuff has now been officially banished to their rooms.
*As I mentioned above she is teething and we are hoping they make their appearance soon so she can get back to being her normally happy contented self. (Also so we can stop having to change our clothes every time we hold her due to the fact that she drooling buckets. uck.)
So there is the update on Erika.

Tim and Lex are good. We spent some time with my folks the weekend before last and had a good time. The kids played outside a lot with their gramps. He had to teach them the proper way to do hopscotch. Lex liked to jump in each square with both feet, so he helped her learn to hop with one foot in each square. I told him I thought maybe he was going through his second childhood. To which he replied that he never grew out of the first one. Guess that is why he gets along so well with the kids. :)

Of course we have been out enjoying this wonderful weather. We had some kites so we took the kids to the park and taught them to fly the kites. It was a lot of fun and the kids really seemed to enjoy it.

Well things have slowed down a little, but with the weather being so nice I am sure another trip to the zoo will be in the near future (thank goodness we are members. heh). Thanks for stopping by... take care!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

One can never have to many friends

Whew! We have had a very busy week here. After dealing with a bunch of crankiness the week before, this past week was a week of much needed fun and "outdoorsy-ness". We have had spring fever, with the weather being so beautiful. So we have taken full advantage this week. We started off the week at the park. My kids have no problems making friends, and when one of the little girls father offered to let them fly a kite, my kids were all over it.

The next day was also spent at the park with a dear friend from church and her son. He is only a few weeks older than Erika. What a cutie pie!

Then on Wednesday we actually stayed home, but by Thursday the call of spring was just to much and we ended up at another park with even more good friends.

Well by Friday we were kinda burnt out on the whole park scene so we decided to meet even MORE friends at the zoo. We ended the week with a nice sticky snow cone and lots of new friends.
It was a good week.
I hope yours was just a fun and productive as ours was.

Make sure to check back next week as we have another busy week and I am sure there will be opportunities for photos. We will be going to our monthly space class and we have some family coming in and I am sure we will be out side more as the weather looks to be getting a little warmer.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The clothes make the person

The shirt says it all:

Another beautiful day...

Well the weather has just been beautiful here. So we have been taking full advantage of it. We spent another afternoon at the zoo. This time we actually managed to see some of the animals this time. The kids were in pose mode so we managed to get in some really great photos.
Can anyone guess what Alexa's favorite animal is at the zoo... The flamingos of course... Anyone want to venture a guess why... They are pink!
We even managed to make friends with a chipmunk... for a price... LOL
This is how Erika spent most of the afternoon... just looking around and sucking her fingers... until we got on the train. Then she got all excited.
Anyway just thought I'd share (and brag a bit as I know there is a winter storm in the east). Hope you like it... take care and thanks for stopping by!