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Bible verse of the day

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Another beautiful day...

Well the weather has just been beautiful here. So we have been taking full advantage of it. We spent another afternoon at the zoo. This time we actually managed to see some of the animals this time. The kids were in pose mode so we managed to get in some really great photos.
Can anyone guess what Alexa's favorite animal is at the zoo... The flamingos of course... Anyone want to venture a guess why... They are pink!
We even managed to make friends with a chipmunk... for a price... LOL
This is how Erika spent most of the afternoon... just looking around and sucking her fingers... until we got on the train. Then she got all excited.
Anyway just thought I'd share (and brag a bit as I know there is a winter storm in the east). Hope you like it... take care and thanks for stopping by!

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