Wow, not sure how I got so far behind... and it's only the middle of January...
We had a wonderful Christmas. It was full of fun, family and friends. The kids all got lots of stuff. I am finding, however as they are getting older it is getting harder for me to actually go shopping for them. With their birthdays right around the corner I am finding myself in that predicament once again. But I digress... LOL
Erika certainly made things interesting this year, as she was mobile. We actually braved getting a 6 foot tree. We started out with ornaments all over the tree, but they slowly migrated as she would take them off the tree and hand them to us. We would then put them back on the tree in a higher spot. LOL Amazingly enough, she did really well not getting into to much, and it was actually Lex who knocked over the tree, by accident.
The girls both loved being able to dress up and we got some cute shots of them all dressed up. Tim not so much. He did dress up, but I missed it and by the time I was ready to take pics he had the tie off and the shirt untucked. LOL. Oh well there is always Easter.
We also made lots of cookies. That was our gift to most people was goodie baskets of homemade cookies and bread. The kids did a great job decorating them. Their cousins joined us as well as the kids grandma. It was lots of fun.
After Christmas we had several gift certificates to redeem. The kids love to get books and were thrilled to know they could use the gift certificates to get some new ones. Lex of course wanted anything princess (After all she does think it's a hard job to be a princess.) Tim got another dinosaur book. This one is really cool, with lots of pop ups and pictures that show their actual sizes. Pretty neat.
We spent New years with my folks, It was lots of fun. Erika was the only one of the kids that stayed up til midnight with the adults. LOL. There were rides in the back of Gramp's truck, a trip to the park, and then we all got dressed up for Church. The pictures of Alexa were taken at the park. She was moody (it shows) but I do love how dramatic she can be when she take pictures. Heh
Actually up until this past week the weather has been beautiful. Then all of the sudden we were hit with 3 inches of rain in 2 days and tornado warnings, and all sorts of stuff like like that. But by Saturday it was back in the upper 60's and partly cloudy. We took advantage of it and spent the afternoon out.
Now... that gets you caught up to the blog right before this one. Heh.
Now that we are back in routine, I will start posting a little more regularly again. We have several things coming up in Feb. It's looking to be a busy month. What, with our homeschool Valentine's party, the kids birthdays, and other birthdays scattered in there as well. Lots of picture opportunities.
Thanks so much for stopping by and take care!