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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Officially mobile!

Well now we are in for it... As parents at least.
Alexa is officially mobile. She is like this crawling machine now... With little hands to help her get into things and pull and push things and, and ... Well, just cause chaos in general. (Heh) Not really... She is still pretty docile, and more interested in taking her bothers toys at this point.
I admit I have been dreading this. I mean it's hard enough to have one spirited child who is mobile. Now... There are two.
My fear is this: I can just see me trying to go somewhere and they both decide to take off in different directions... That day will come (sooner than I would like at this rate). (sigh)
Well, my daughter is no longer an infant any more. She is caught in the awkward stage between babyhood and toddlerdom. She is growing up. It's nice in some ways, as she can do more on her own. But she will never be my quiet, snuggly, little baby girl again. She is growing up.
I guess, I should have expected it... I mean, we went through a lot of the same feelings with Tim.
One day we were looking at this cute, cuddly, immobile baby and the next we were staring face to face with a fully-mobile-mind-of-his-own toddler. His favorite thing to do these days is play with his "box". My dad bought a fan a few weeks ago, and we kept the box. Tim started out just putting toys in it and trying to stand on it. Now he likes to drag his toys all over the house in his box. He also likes to sit and watch TV in it... He is so funny these days!
It's amazing how fast they grow up. I seem to be dwelling on that these days. ( I noticed my last few posts have been about that.) I think because of all that is going on in the world today, hurricanes destroying whole cities, crime everywhere and all the other horrible things that the media thinks we need to know about, I think about how my kids will grow up.
It makes me a little sad sometimes. I think of all the family I grew up with and I am saddened that my kids will never get to know their great grandfathers. (However, I am extremely grateful that my kids will know their grandparents and great grandma's and all other family members. Even family that is not blood related.) I hear stories of simpler times, when kids could play outside all day with no worries. My kids will never know that.
As a parent I will never know that. That makes me sad too. I know things were harder back in the "old days", as far as conveniences go. But what we have we gained in return? More personal time? No. More money? No. More quality time with our kids? Ok, I will have to say yes to that one, but I know that for most people that would have to be a big NO. It makes me grateful that at least I am able to stay home, I know for some parents working is not an option.
I am glad that I take a lot of pictures. I am a certified photoaholic. I have lots of photos of everything... It helps me remember. My kids are growing up so fast, sometimes it's good to remember when they were little and immobile (and not tearing up my house) and some times it's good to just remember how we felt at a certain moment in time, and to treasure that... For time is all to fleeting these days.

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