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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy new year!

Well 2007 is finally here. It's hard to believe another year has come and gone.
It's been a most interesting year for us here... with two toddlers running around interesting is putting it lightly. LOL
The kids have grown by leaps and bounds this year. Last January Lex was not even walking... now, there is no stopping her. Tim has come so far in his conversation, sometimes I forget that he is still so little.
This passed Christmas was great though. The kids really started to understand the idea of opening gifts. Tim was a pro. It did not take him long to start ripping into things and oohing and awing over the new toys. I made a mistake with Lex Christmas morning, I let her open a present I knew she would love (a stroller and a new baby doll) and it was game over for her after that. She did not want to open anything else. Tim was more than happy to finish opening her presents. It was pretty cute and funny.
Well, you all will be happy to know I did in fact get a new camera for Christmas, so there will be lots of new pics for me to post. Especially if Lex keeps looking as cute as she does in this pic.
Wow, she really is growing up so fast. She is so girly. She loves all the fufu, purple, girly stuff. Her favorite things now are her doll (and stroller), Barbie and her tea set. (Oh and she does love to antagonize her brother... but that is for another blog.)
Anyway, here is a what she looked like a year ago, and next to that is a recent pic.

Tim is a whole different ball ball game. He too, has changed much in the last year. His verbal skills are something to marvel at, and he is showing tremendous athletic ability already. He is all boy... his favorite things at the moment are a big box of dinos he got for Christmas, his basketball hoop, and anything that will allow him to dig up dirt. (Oh, and he also loves to antagonize his sister, but as I mentioned above that's for another time.)
Anyway, here is the comparison of him, the first pic being last year.
Well, 2007 promises to be another year full of love and adventure at our house. I will do my best to keep everyone posted (it's one of my resolutions), so I hope you will all check back regularly.
Hope your year is full of promise and love and many wonderful adventures.
P.S. Anyone is welcome to stop by for an adventure at our house... I can guarantee there will be many (Tim has a VERY active imagination). Please just call first, so I can at least move the dust around and stuff all the toys in the closets. Hehehe)


rustypth said...

Does Timmy like Star Wars?

Mike said...

Timmy has his own Light Saber, which he frequently plays with against Daddy. If Daddy only knew how to work them new fangled contraptions...