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Bible verse of the day

Friday, January 26, 2007


As I sit here and type this, my daughter decided to climb in my lap and snuggle. I do love these moments. I admit, I take them for granted. With the addition of a third child on the way, I know there will be many more moments like this, so I tend to not look at it for what it truly is.... In all honesty, I am not really sure *exactly* all of the emotions these moments hold. There is joy, and happiness, contentment, love, and yes, even a little annoyance (that she keeps getting in the way of my typing, and wanting to me to look at her and to rub noses. It's cute, but it's hard to get much done) but I think by far, the largest feeling is serenity.
Dictionary.com defines serenity as:
se·ren·i·ty [suh-ren-i-tee] –noun, plural
1.the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness.
1. composure, calm, peacefulness, peace.

Most of these moments spent snuggling with my kids are just that, peaceful, calm and tranquil. I love those moments, where there are no other distractions, and I can focus on my children. It's usually in those times I realize how much they have grown, and matured. I think that is because we are on the go so much, that I do not see those things until I am in a much less distracted state. I love those moments.
I am hoping with this new baby, I will have learned to appreciate those moments, and not just assume there will be lots of others. I know for a fact, that these moments are all to fleeting. For the first time in a long time, my son fell asleep in my lap at bed time last night. I had all but forgotten what that was like, as my kids are pretty good sleepers and do not require much to go sleep. It was serene. Peaceful. I cherish that, as my son, just shy of age 3, does not come and cuddle all that often any more (way to much energy for that). I realize that I miss that.
So even though there is that slight annoyance at having to retype the same sentence 3 times, because my daughter keeps wanting me to rub noses... I will cherish this moment. We will never be able to get it back, no matter how many others there will be.
I want my kids to look back at their childhood, on moments like this, and think "It's all good." I know I will.