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Bible verse of the day

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Ok well the end of Feb. is almost here. We have had a busy month. We started off with Tim and Lex's birthdays. It was fun. We decided to do Knight and Princess party. (They wanted separate one's at first, but I am not ready for that just yet... so we sold them on this idea). It came out cute. We had a castle cake, dragon pinata, and the kids all got knight and princess stuff to take home. It was a good time!

Then after that we once again took advantage of the nice weather and spent some time out doors. I managed to get some good shots of the kids!(I will be sending hard copies of  these in the mail this weekend) :)

Valentine's day was fun. We had a party with our homeschool group. The kids made holders and then exchanged Valentine's. Shesh, my hand hurt after we made all ours, but they sure came out cute!

Erika is doing well... LOL. I had to post this one with her hair... She is the only one of my kids that has hair that sticks straight up first thing in the morning. It's pretty funny!
She is a complete busy body these days... into everything. She is also somewhat of a daredevil as she loves to climb and jump and be flipped around. Shesh. She is talking now a little. We took her to the zoo for the first time in awhile and she got all excited and was making all the animal sounds.It was cute to see her get so excited.
Plus she is so friendly that I don't think she stopped waving the whole time we were on the train. LOL.

My in laws got the kids a table for their birthday.
Erika was so upset about being in her high chair and threw a fit until I let her sit down at the new table with the other two. She certainly has a mind of her own these days!

Well, I guess that is all for now, but we have a busy weekend, and then we have picture day for our homeschool yearbook. I will try and get them posted as soon as I get them. We also have several outings for March planned... plus with the weather getting to be so nice I am sure we will be out and about so I should have lots to blog about next month.

Please take care and thanks for stopping by!

P.S. I could not resist posting this one... because "It is good to be queen!" (Even if it is only in my mind!)

1 comment:

Uncle Jim said...

Looks like they love the table! Love Erica's hair, lol!