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Bible verse of the day

Friday, March 24, 2006


Ok I know it has been about 10 days since my last post... But I have a good excuse. Once we got back form visiting my parents, my kids (once again) were sick.
Ok you know how this is the year of the dog in the Chinese calendar? In our home this is the year of the germ. I kid you not... There have only been a handful of weekends that ALL of us have actually been well... At the same time. It's awful. So this time it's been Lexa. Poor thing started running a fever the day before we left to come home. Yesterday was the first time she seemed to really feel better. Although the clingyness that comes from a toddler being sick, was still there in full force. I would start to bend over to put her down and she would start in "mamaaaaw" Have you ever seen that Sharpie commercial, where the mom tries to put the baby down and as soon as his toes hit the floor he cries, yet when she picks him up he is all smiles... That is Lex. (sigh)

Anyway, we had a good time at my folks.... The kids always have a good time with their granny, gramps and Great-grandma's. (They know who spoils them) Every time we stop by their Great-Granny Tim wants Ice Cream... And of course he get it. But that is especially what Great Grannies are for.
My mom was doing exercises one of the mornings were there and Tim decided to join in. She had him stretching, and bending , and doing leg lifts...LOL. It was pretty funny to watch. But they had a good time.

My mom has a piano at her house too. Tim and Lex both like to go in and "play" on it. My mom took the opportunity to give a quick lesson... Although it looks like Lex is the only one paying attention. Heh.
Anyway we made it home and since Lex was a feeling a little better we went to Arizona Museum for Youth. We went to a Tot and Mommy class. It was fun. They have areas all set up with different things going on... A block area, book area, sensory play area, puzzle area, and so forth. It was a lot of fun. Tim is so good about helping Lex. He is such a good big brother. He helped her put one of the puzzles back together. It was so cute!
She is on that high learning curve too. She wants to explore everything... EVERYTHING. But yet she still does not want to venture to far from mom.
Life at our house is interesting because of that. I have one who points to everything and yells when she wants something, and one who is in super discovery mode, who constantly asks "what's that mommy?" But I love it. It means my kids are growing, and they are learning (I better be careful though, one day soon they will be smarter than me)
Anyway, Tim starts Soccer tomorrow, so I know there will be more to blog about this weekend.
Till then take care!

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