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Bible verse of the day

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Adjectives galore


These are only a few of the things that I have been feeling the last few days. Once again I was hoping to have some BIG baby news to post... and once again the baby has chosen to be uncooperative. Every time the Dr. would be in a good position with the ultra sound the baby would move. At this point the sex of the child will be a surprise to us all. But on the upside of things, he did manage to get some measurements and all looks well. The baby is healthy (yea!) and is a decent size (nearly 5 pounds already) so what ever happens now... happens. We even managed to get a fleeting site of the baby sucking his/her thumb. So that was neat.
Anyway, please just continue to be in prayer, however, as I seem to be having some pregnancy issues also. I have been having some pretty major contractions and I am for some reason very dehydrated (I thought I was drinking enough water... but I guess not)so that has been wreaking havoc with my system too. (Plus it will certainly make the next month to 6 weeks incredibly uncomfortable.)
Anyway just wanted to post a quick update for everyone. I will try and get some stuff up of Tim and Lex from the Space center here in a few, so make sure to check back soon!

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