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Bible verse of the day

Monday, September 29, 2008


Well here is a quick update of some things the kids and I have been up to the last few weeks.
We attended a birthday party for a boy at our church. It was fun, they held it at a place called Pump It Up. It's one of those inflatable play areas. The kids had a blast!
Both kids liked the slide the best... but there was LOTS of bouncing and climbing in some of the other areas as well. :)
Our son is growing up, and wanting to use tools like daddy. So we signed Tim up for a free class at Lowes to make a fire truck. He is so proud that he was able to make this all by himself. (Ok so there was a little help from Daddy... but for the most part he did it all.) He has a lot to be proud of, he did a great job. Future builder? Guess we'll see. LOL.
Well I guess that's about it... it's still pretty warm here (100 degrees plus) so we are still pretty much homebodies these days. Hopefully things will start cooling down here soon, and we can get out a little more. I will try and get some good photos for everyone. :)
Although I suspect there will be lots of pics of our newest addition, once he/she decides to make an appearance. (Hopefully sooner rather than later... LOL) Being pregnant in the desert during the summer is really not very fun... thank goodness for air conditioning and water bottles filled with ice water. ROFL!
Anyway just wanted to keep everyone posted. Check back soon, as we have another class at the Space Museum coming up and another birthday party in the next few weeks, so hopefully there will be more pics and antidotes to post. Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Looks like FUN! Have you checked out the new children's museum? Here is a link to it. http://www.childrensmuseumofphoenix.org/ It's really neat!!