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Bible verse of the day

Friday, November 28, 2008

A day late and a dollar short...

Ok so I am a little late in my Thanksgiving post. What can I say... I have three kids under 5, a computer geek for a husband who likes playing video games on his days off, and a brother in law who likes to hang out at our house, eat and play video games.
Did I mention that they like video games?
That was how most of yesterday was spent. I was fortunate enough to have some wonderful in laws who graciously took us all out for a nice Thanksgiving dinner. So there was not a whole lot of cooking going on at my house. (I did however make a turkey anyway... what would the Friday after Thanksgiving be with out turkey tacos.)
Anyway, My brother in law was here and between he and Mike, I don't think I managed to get on the computer for longer than about 5 minutes yesterday. Did I mention that they like video games?
Ok now on to the all important list of things I am thankful for:
Family: Ok I know this is a gimmie... everyone worth a grain of salt has this one on their list. But with our newest addition just barely a month old and all the planning and adjusting for a new baby the last half of the year, I am EXTREMELY thankful for such a wonderful, gracious and just all around great family! Yes that also includes my hubby, who has had to make the most adjustments with not just time (no more napping on his days off), but space (I forgot how much "stuff" a newborn "needs"). He is really a great dad!
To continue on with the family theme I am extremely thankful for my kids. My oldest son has been such a great trooper. With all the changes that have taken place in such a short time, he has managed to adjust wonderfully. Not to mention that he is a great big brother to both his sisters. Then there is our middle child. Adventurous and talkative, she embodies the spirit of every Disney type princess. Combine that with her mini mom tendencies, she has proven to be both a challenge and a blessing at the same time. Last but certainly not least our newest addition. It's still to early to tell to much about her personality, but so far she has proven that she loves her brother and sister (she looks for them when she hears their voices and makes cooing noises when they are around) and that it's only really necessary to cry when you are hungry or need to be changed... everything else seems to take care of itself.
Baby stuff: I am very thankful for all "baby" items out there. I will never understand how previous generations did it all with out all the gadgets to help.
Sleep: I think this year I am most thankful for sleep. With three kids under 5 sleep seems to be a rare commodity here. So I take it when I can get it.
Cooler weather: Ok for those living where it's snowing now this may be a little strange. But when you live in the desert and the average temp most of the year is about 90 degrees, cooler weather is a blessing.
So there you have it, just a few of the things I am thankful for on this beautiful Friday after Thanksgiving.
I hope you all had a wonderful day and did not stuff yourselves to much...
We will be taking it easy today and are looking forward to some yummy turkey tacos later this afternoon! Hope you enjoy your day as much as we will!

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