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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wild Life Park

With the weather being a beautiful 75 degrees here we have been taking advantage, and spending some time outside. We spent yesterday at our local wild life park. They just opened up a new indoor aquarium, so we went to go check it out. Here are some photos from our adventure:
We had a blast, and we are now thinking of getting a membership there. The educational opportunities alone would make it worth it... but to be honest... it is just very cool to be that close to the fish. I mean when you can see a shark swim by just a few inches from you it's pretty amazing.
If you want to see more animals from our trip check click here.
We hope those of you that are enduring the snow are safe and warm. (But now you know why we live in the desert... LOL) As always thanks for stopping by... Hope to hear from you all soon!

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