Her list of new things this month:
✿She can now hold her bottle all by herself for extended periods.
✿She is very vocal and will let you know when she likes something by smiling and giggling.
✿She will let you know when she does not like something by looking at you like you are crazy and then crying.
✿She likes tummy time and is already tying to get her knees up underneath her so she can try and crawl.
✿She has now turned into "Ms. GrabbyHands" and grabs everything in site, which then is promptly put in her mouth.
So, just when we thought it was safe to let Tim and Lex have little toys, they are now banned from the living room, and we are trying to figure out what to do about the girls room. Lex is at the stage where she like Barbie and princess... and ALL the little pieces that come with those.
I wanted to post her monthly teddy pics:
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