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Bible verse of the day

Monday, April 27, 2009

6 months

No I did not forget... Erika was officially 6 months on Saturday. Here are the pics and update:

~She is growing like weed. She is in the 90 percentile height wise and only in the 10 percentile weight wise. Oh well long and skinny... when she is a teenager she will long for those days.

~Still no teeth and lots of drool. But they are close... I hope.

~She is now on baby food. So far she seems to like veggies... but talk to me in about a year and we'll see how well that holds up. LOL

~She is also sitting up on her own, even if it is only for a few seconds at time.

~She is also rolling all over, and now that she is somewhat mobile she does not like to be in the bouncer to much... I am in trouble... I already have two that go separate directions every chance they get, what will I do with a 3rd. UGH!

Anyway... that's all for now... check back soon for new updates!


Ok well I guess it has been about 2 weeks since my last post. Since then we have been busy. There is always the usual stuff... the comings and goings of everyday life. We did manage to get to our monthly space class. After this one there is only one more left... then I guess we will have to find something else to do during that time. The kids made space helmets and were anxious to try them out.

We also managed yet another trip to the park. I guess we are trying to squeeze in as much outdoor time as possible now. So far we have only had a few days of indoor weather, but with summer right around the corner it will not be long before it's too hot to be outside.

My fear is this is what my summer holds. Lots and lots of mischief... Lex decided it would be fun to put stickers everywhere... including herself and her sister.

We also made yet another trip to the zoo with friends. It was fun. People ask if we get tired of the zoo all the time. You know, the zoo is a VERY large place. With even one child it's hard to get through it all, let alone with three plus kids. We just see different areas each time. Plus now they opened the splash pad areas since the weather is heating up, so that helps too.

Anyway we are looking for more park time in the near future and we will be spending time with my folks here in a few weeks too, so there will be more pics soon!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Mother's love

OK so these are for everyone who has been bugging me for pictures of me. I usually hate having my picture taken, but these came out OK (but it helps to have Erika in the pics as she is waaaayy cuter than me.)


Happy Easter! Hope you all had a great Resurrection day!
The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." Matthew 28: 5-6 Everything I am, everything I have, everything I believe is because my Jesus rose that morning.

Here are some of our pics from the day:

We did try and get pictures of all three together, but it just wasn't gonna happen. LOL

But we had a good time. Lots of family and food. It was all good.
We have another busy week ahead, so I am sure there will be pictures too... so make sure to check back. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


One of the things Mike looks forward to at bed time is his time with the kids. Usually we have a family devotional, but every once in awhile Mike likes to treat the kids to a cartoon. Well, as the two older ones were sitting on Mike's lap laughing at Tom and Jerry, Erika kept getting excited and looking over at them. So Mike told me to bring her over and let her join them. Oh my... she loved it. She was jumping up and down in Mike's lap and cracking up so hard at the cartoon, that Tim and Lex were laughing at her and not paying any attention to the screen. The harder Tim and Lex laughed, the harder Erika laughed. Mike and I too were practically rolling on the floor it was so funny.

Well guess that just goes to show how timeless some cartoons can be!


Well we did manage to make it to the zoo, the weather has just been to beautiful here to be inside. Here are some of the pics:

We even managed a trip to one of the many parks we frequent:

Hope your spring is looking as promising as ours.