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Bible verse of the day

Monday, April 27, 2009

6 months

No I did not forget... Erika was officially 6 months on Saturday. Here are the pics and update:

~She is growing like weed. She is in the 90 percentile height wise and only in the 10 percentile weight wise. Oh well long and skinny... when she is a teenager she will long for those days.

~Still no teeth and lots of drool. But they are close... I hope.

~She is now on baby food. So far she seems to like veggies... but talk to me in about a year and we'll see how well that holds up. LOL

~She is also sitting up on her own, even if it is only for a few seconds at time.

~She is also rolling all over, and now that she is somewhat mobile she does not like to be in the bouncer to much... I am in trouble... I already have two that go separate directions every chance they get, what will I do with a 3rd. UGH!

Anyway... that's all for now... check back soon for new updates!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Oh, she's a doll. Your kiddos are cute...love the farmers tan...ha ha