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Bible verse of the day

Thursday, April 09, 2009


One of the things Mike looks forward to at bed time is his time with the kids. Usually we have a family devotional, but every once in awhile Mike likes to treat the kids to a cartoon. Well, as the two older ones were sitting on Mike's lap laughing at Tom and Jerry, Erika kept getting excited and looking over at them. So Mike told me to bring her over and let her join them. Oh my... she loved it. She was jumping up and down in Mike's lap and cracking up so hard at the cartoon, that Tim and Lex were laughing at her and not paying any attention to the screen. The harder Tim and Lex laughed, the harder Erika laughed. Mike and I too were practically rolling on the floor it was so funny.

Well guess that just goes to show how timeless some cartoons can be!

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