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Bible verse of the day

Friday, August 19, 2005


So, who expected that it would actually take this long for us to finally get blogging about our exploits, adventures, and general ruminations? Well, those of you that know us realize that the last few years have been like trying to drive a 3 cylinder Geo Metro up a 6% grade hill while dragging a Chevy Impala with three flat tires.

The challenges and blessings of two children barely a year apart, Shannon being the ever diligent wife and mom, Tim practicing to take over Larry King's talk show, Alexa working on taking over the world one heart at a time, and me attempting to learn the ancient martial art of Get Sum Do (also known as making more money than I currently am) has been enough to suck up all our time.

And yet, Shannon still makes the time to stuggle to get her home-based business going (imakecraftstuff.blogspot.com - take a look) and I have been making time to read and study as often as I can and still practice martial arts (the real stuff).


This blog will be primarily for family and friends, of course, who are gluttons for more blogging punishment, but who also would like to keep up with us, see pictures of great kids and a camera shy mom, and maybe feign a passing interest in what the dad does (which is ok, because the other three are far more interesting anyway, unless that is you wish to know what I am currently reading, in which case I would tell you that it is Justification and Variegated Nomism: The Complexities of Second Temple Judaism Volume 1...I warned you...the other three members are far more interesting).

Now, if anyone is still reading after that last parenthetical statement, that is, if you did not fall asleep just reading that title (for the record, I am also reading the Lord of the Rings series), then I will have Shannon post some pictures and make some comments herself later. And, Dad, yes, I realize that my last paragraph consisted of one long sentence, but in my defense, I claim that it is biblical. If you don't believe me, translate Galatians where three verses might be only one sentence. Don't blame me, blame Paul! I love our victimized society.

And, just so you know, I won't subject you to lengthy posts on my readings or studies. I have another blog I started and will post some observations there and link them for all interested.

Besides, anyone who has been the recipient of an email from Shannon (especially those poor souls who are still on dial-up) know that Shannon will be flooding this site with a veritable portfolio of mini-models, hams, and adorables. When will I have the ability to blog here, anyway? :-)

And, don't get used to this look. My parents remember what my room looked like until I started dating Shannon, and how they suddenly they were no longer ashamed if I left my door open. Give Shannon a decent web designer and she'll go nuts (husband resists the temptation to comment...realizes he has to eat and sleep sometime).

Ok, I have waxed long on profound nonsense, so I'll stop. I hope you all enjoy our site. And, feel free to comment.

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