Catching up on the recent events, illness has swept through my family, then it did again, and made one final sortie before giving us a rest...until last night when Shannon was once again ill. I just keep reminding her of Job and his patience--and she keeps reminding me of Jael and her Hammer and spike.
Timothy has been growing by leaps and bounds. His vocabulary and perception are evident on every level. He understands multiple commands, he tries to make original sentences. In fact, just last night I was playing "The Claw" with Timothy. "The Claw" is a game originated by my oldest brother to play with him. "The Claw" is just my hand with that ominous voice and those fearsome words "the claw is coming." Tim giggles and runs from the claw.
What made us realize that he tries to put his own thoughts and words together is when he finally got past "The Claw" (the claw was "distracted" so he could run to mom) he was clearly trying to tell his mom about the claw. We could hear him say "daddy," "Claw," and "get me," "mommy." There were no clear words in between, but since Daddy was the claw and the claw was trying to keep Tim from bothering mom we gather he was trying to tell us how Daddy and the claw were trying to get him when he went for Mommy. It is our best guess, but it will do.
Oh, and, by the way, Tigger and Pooh have become a regular part of our audience for Storytime with Daddy. I don't even get a half page in when I hear, "Pooh!" This is his indication that he wants both Pooh and Tigger since he grabs both even though he only says "Pooh."
Alexa is quite the growing little girl. We think she is days away from her first step. She can stand quite well on her own right now, and is so very motivated to play with brother (either that or just get out of his way because...well, those who know Timmy know that if we give him another 200 pounds he'll be Pro linebacker material).
I have always been one of those guys who wanted to come home from work and hear "Daddy, daddy, daddy!" when coming through the door. This is what happens when I come home now. Timmy runs to the door yelling Daddy and wants me to pick him up. I think I had the greatest experience the other day when I was holding Tim up and getting mega-Timmy hugs and hearing about his day when suddenly I felt the gentle Tap Tap Tap on one of my feet. That was Alexa indicating that she wanted me to pick her up as well. She had crawled all the way from the thriving metropolis of the living room through the vast wasteland of the kitchen, just to have Daddy pick her up (I know we are only talking 20 feet but my description sounds better).
They love it when I swoop them both up and dance with them.
Shannon has really been working a lot of overtime trying to be Mom and work her business. She gets up early with the kids, stays up late to work on her craft projects. I think the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 is described like that. Now, if we can only get her some handmaids to help her with her duties. Hmm...nah, Alexa is just too small, I guess.
Shannon and the kids are going to be off to the Grandparents in Yuma this weekend. Grandparents (especially grandma and great-grandma) are really excited since they will see cute kids dressed up.
And, Dad is going to be all alone. Although, he was invited to a costume party. He and his weightlifter friend may just go as Hans and Frans.
Whew! I hope I am never so busy that I miss all these wonderful things that are happening in my life right now.