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Bible verse of the day

Monday, November 14, 2005

Captain Timmy, the friendly Pirate

Timmy is a friendly child. When he gets to the nursery at our Church he has to make the rounds. Hugging and kissing all the other kids (and some of the more well known adults). However, the last week or so he has focused in on two particular boys at our Church. Jacob and Vinnie.
Jacob is not much older than Tim. He just turned 2. At first he did not know what to think of his pal being so affectionate. Now however, (after several weeks of Timmy giving hugs and kisses) he gets so excited to see Tim, and they hug, and then they go play (somehow managing to wrestle each other to the floor in the process). It's pretty funny.
The other boy is Vinnie. Now Vinnie is 5. He and Tim, most Sunday afternoons can been seen running through the fellowship hall, chasing each other. Even Mike was surprised our little guy could keep up with a 5 year old. They came over to dinner one night, and the kids wore each other out. They next day, Vinnie's parents told us they made a bet to see who would fall asleep first... Tim (who was home and in bed as soon as they left) or Vinnie (who had about a 15 minute drive). We concluded it was a tie. Tim was asleep as soon as they left. They told us Vinnie was asleep almost as soon as they started the car. Crash and burn!
Tim's latest thing however, is that anytime we go ANYWHERE. He starts in "Jacob?...Vinnie?"
We tell him we will see them when we go to Church (and the occasional playdate) and that seems to satisfy him for that moment. Then as soon as we get to where we are going "Jacob? Vinnie?" It's like a movie that has been set on a play back loop.
In fact as I am sitting here writing this I can hear him in his room... Babbling... "Mommy... Daddy... Agga (Alexa)... Quack Quack Quack, do do do do (if you have ever seen The Wiggles TV show, that is one of the songs they sing about a duck and a rooster)... Jacob... Vinnie..." Then there is a string of something I cannot understand, and then he starts all over again. I have to laugh out loud as I hear him.
He really is just the cutest toddler around.
Lex is the room too... She just babbles along with him while he recites his script. She stands in her crib and applauds for Tim while he is talking. She is just the cutest baby around.
Anyway, this was to cute to not share.
I also wanted the parents of Jacob and Vinnie to know how grateful we are that the kids are Tim's friends. We know that they are raising their kids with similar beliefs, and we will never have to worry about what they are learning from one another. We are grateful for that. And for the opportunity to have some meaningful adult conversations with out worrying to much about the kids. Hopefully, they will continue on and become great friends, and have many adventures together.

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