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Saturday, November 05, 2005

Halloween update

Well Halloween has come and gone. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Remember as a kid how this time of year seemed to go soooo slow. It seemed like you waited all year for the night of dressing up, trick or treating , and all the candy you could eat in one night. It was the greatest. My kids were so funny. They are really to young to get much out of Halloween, but we tried to dress them up anyway. (Note I said tried to dress up...heh) Lex was a doll, and she looked sooo cute as Snow White. Tim was supposed to be a Karate guy... But he threw a fit about wearing the costume. These pics are the best pictures I got with him dressed up. (sigh) Oh well. I guess I should enjoy the fact that they are to young to get whacked out on a sugar high, and that at lest one of them is happy to let me pick out her costume.
Anyway, we spent Halloween with my folks. It was fun. My parents don't do much for Halloween, being that their kids are all grown. I do think they enjoyed themselves almost as much as the kids. We went to a Fall Festival run by a local Church. They had lots of games. Tim got to "cheat" at the games. Being that he was so little they let him "win". He made out like a bandit He got to pick his prizes, so he came away with 2 new matchbox cars, 2 footballs, a whirligig thing, and a Styrofoam plane. Plus, he got a bag of candy. Shesh. Lex was perfectly happy being cute all night as long as Gramps held her. So, all in all it was a fun evening. Hopefully, next Halloween will be as painless as this one.... Although I doubt it.

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