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Bible verse of the day

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Early Christmas

Well in the Porter Family things were a little strange this passed Thanksgiving.
Yes there was lots of Turkey.
Yes there was lots of Family.
Yes there were lots of presents.
Yes, presents.
We as a family decided to celebrate Christmas a month early. Mike's brother Brian and his fiance flew in from NY, just to be here.

Also Mike's youngest brother Jesse (a Marine) is about to be deployed over seas. So we decided to take the initiative and celebrate early. It was so much fun.
This was Lex's first Christmas. She handled it with flair. She managed to impress everyone with her ready smile and her girlie laugh. It was so cute!
Tim was going a mile a minute, and had everyone in the palm of his hand. He has just recently learned to say everyone's name audibly, so they all loved that. Especially Brian and Meghan since he has not seen them in almost a year. It was great.
They both loved their presents. Tim was so excited to show Lex how to play with her toys that he could hardly contain himself.
Anyway it was a great time to be surrounded my family. It sure is quiet now that everyone has gone home.
Mike and I will just have to console ourselves that we get to do it all over again on Dec. 25th with my family. More fun to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey shannnon. i remember those pics. from christmas. i hope i will see u soon.
your niece,