Nap time in our house has become interesting. My son is getting wise to my tactics of getting him to take a nap.
It used to be I could go in there and threaten him with a time out, and he would lay down and go to sleep.
Then it escalated to actually putting him in time out.
Now he just looks and me and laughs, when I put him in time out. (sigh)
Ok let me clarify something, my son has a tendency to destroy his room if left unchecked at nap time. He will stay in the room, but will manage to pull out EVERY toy and book off the shelf. He also likes to climb on the window sill next to his sisters bed (Although is learning that is an automatic spanking).
I have thought about taking everything out of there. Unfortunately we are cramped as it is.
I am guessing that consistency is the key here, but if anyone out there has any suggestions, PLEASE let me know.
This to shall pass.
Other wise things are pretty normal around here, we are just taking things a day at time.
The kids are both growing up, and learning a ton... (so are Mike and I as parents.)
So there is not much else to report for the moment.
Thanks for stopping by and take care!
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