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Bible verse of the day

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Ok so it's been almost a week and no more updates. LOL Guess that means things are slow around here right? NOT!
Actually things really have not been to bad... Just busy... Normal everyday, busy.
We are doing what we are supposed to be doing.
Mike is working, I get to stay home and take care of the house and kids. The kids are growing and learning.
So I guess in that respect things really are slow around here.
Anyway, I should have some new pics to post in the next few days... Lex has been really cute walking with her bike/walker thingie, and Tim's new verbal skills are cause for a new blog. So there are things for us to blog about, I guess it's just finding the time and the energy to sit down and do it... (I know ironic when you consider that I am currently blogging. But blogging about things being slow is not as hard as finding specific things to blog about...LOL)
So, there will be more specific articles to come in the next few days...
Till then take care

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