Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Bible verse of the day

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Interesting Developments

Murphy's Law.
That is the law in our house right now.
It just figures that right before we are supposed to go and enjoy the holidays with family that is 3 hours away... We all get sick.
(Sigh) Murphy's Law.
Actually, Mike (the one who started all this last weekend) is feeling much better. So far Lex and I are faring so-so with runny noses and the like, but no other symptoms. Then there is Tim... Poor baby. He is miserable. He (like Mike) got it bad. (Does that mean that the women in this family have stronger immune systems than the guys?)
So... As of this moment we are trying to figure out what to do. I think we will probably still go, we just may postpone it for a day and leave Saturday instead... We'll see.

Anyway, just wanted to drop a quick post to wish everyone a VERY Merry Christmas.
We probably won't blog now till we get back next week, and then there will be lots of stories and pictures... So till then... Take care and stay well.

Monday, December 19, 2005

For her worth is far above jewels...

Today marks the 30th birthday of my wife, Shannon. I thought I'd share some thoughts of what I know of her:

At the sound of a toddler's thump a mom can be seen and heard moving to his rescue, ensuring that safety is near. Mom will not let him down. Mom will protect him.

When the darkness swallows the world and all is still but the tearful cries of a tiny baby girl, a mom can be seen and heard scaring off the night and restoring comfort to her daughter.

With surmounting, daunting, and sometimes overwhelming work, children who need attention, food, care, and discipline, a mom can be seen and heard diligently working and attending to all while her husband is away at work. He need not be concerned with anything at all—she is there, at that means that all is well.

In the face of the tedious work of cooking and cleaning, in the face of a life that is not glamorous nor respected in the world of the almighty career, a mom can be seen preparing food for her family.

In the presence of monotany, a mom and a wife can be seen pressing on where many would have given up, slacked off, stopped caring. But not this mom. She is a gem. She is gold. She is the incarnation of a jewel encrusted chalice that is filled with the sweetest wine...and those words still fall short of her greatness, for she is a mom. She is a wife. She is a creature loved by God, adored by her husband, cherished by her children, and esteemed for more than she is ever told.

Some women bear the title wife. This one elevates it. Some women receive the honorable title of mother. This one gives the title honor.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

The spirit of Christmas

Well it's definitely getting close to Christmas.
My house is a mess with presents.
My kids are wanting candy canes every day for a snack.
And it
finally getting cold in Arizona. (Ha ha to all those who live in places with snow... )

The other day we went to the train park in Scottdsale. It was great. Tim was so thrilled to be ridding on the train. They have the park all decorated, and the whole time he was pointing to things... Santa, the big Polar bear, the lighted elf village, and then after each one he would go "woooow". The people sitting behind us, laughed every time he would do that. But as exciting as
that was, for Tim, the big thrill came after the train ride. When we got off there were several kiddy Characters posing and waving to all the families. Tim was so excited to see Elmo. He jumped up and down and ran over to give him a big hug. It was so cute.
As fun as that was, the next night we attended a good friends Christmas open house. The Flocks every year, for as long as anyone can remember (
so we are told) have an open house for the holidays... Lots of great food and fellowship. Now, keep in mind when we first started attending this there were no babies in the nursery at our church (that was 7 years ago). Last night there were 6 toddlers and 2 babies. The party was fun, albeit a little tiring, trying to keep them all out of trouble. Tim was into EVERYTHING (as usual) and Lexa was content to play as long as I was in site.
She sure did look so cute dressed in her holiday best.
Now that brings us to today.
Last year Tim was to little to do much as far as helping get ready for Christmas. So when Mike's mom said she wanted to make Christmas cookies with kids, I thought, "he is still to little." But I agreed, figuring that we would be doing most of the work. Boy was I wrong. Tim loved it. He had a blast. He was not much into decorating the cookies, but he sure had fun learning how to roll out the dough, and using the cookie cutters to make shapes (and eating the dough...Lexa liked that part of cookie making too.) He got so excited when he got to cut out a star or a tree. We even let him move them with the spatula from the mat to the cookie sheet. He did great. He did not make to much of a mess (I say that because we were at my in-laws house and I did not have to clean it up...LOL.) He did manage to get all white, when he played in the flour, but it really was not that bad.
So as you can see the holiday spirit is upon this house... Good times, good friends/family and good food.
Wishing everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. May the spirit be contagious.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Think Pink

Wow where has this year gone? Here it is... Christmas time already. My kids are growing up so fast. Tim is almost 2 and Lex will be a year in Feb.
She is getting so big.
She is also developing quite the personality. She has a shirt that has the phrase "Drama Queen" on it. I always tell people that phrase suits her. LOL.
She likes the attention. (Of course being the ONLY girl in a church nursery full of boys does not help either.... EVERYONE wants to cuddle the little girl).
She is a cutie, that is for sure. I think she must have that girlie instinct... You know what I am talking about. Like when a girl looks her best she can get away with anything. (LOL!) If you have a cookie and she wants it... She will just smile, and take it right from you. Most of the time people do not even know she is doing this. She is a clever one.
Her favorite things to do at the moment are to both torment and bond with her brother. It's quite funny as she tends to do both at the same time. She has to do what ever he is doing. He loves that, until she gets in his way. Then he seems to get somewhat annoyed. But she tries so hard to be BIG. I gotta give her lots of credit for that.
Her new personality trait is throwing major fits when things do not go her way. I have to bite my tongue not to laugh. She will be 5 feet from me, and instead of crawling to me, she rolls on her back, kicking her legs and flailing her arms like some octopus that has been stranded on dry land. To add to the octopus look she manages to get her round face all bunched up and she turns a kind of purplie, red color. It really is funny to watch.
She will do this for a few minutes... Then she is fine. Go figure.
Anyway, she is trying VERY hard to walk. I am still not looking forward to her being fully mobile, but I know the time is coming.
It's amazing how far they come in such a short time. Sometimes I am glad, and other times I want her to remain little forever... So I can capture that innocence, that something that makes babies so huggable and cuddly.
I love it when she snuggles up with me... I can smell her baby scent, and she is still so tiny, and so warm... I know someday I will look back and cherish those times. (oh wait... I already do.)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Early Christmas

Well in the Porter Family things were a little strange this passed Thanksgiving.
Yes there was lots of Turkey.
Yes there was lots of Family.
Yes there were lots of presents.
Yes, presents.
We as a family decided to celebrate Christmas a month early. Mike's brother Brian and his fiance flew in from NY, just to be here.

Also Mike's youngest brother Jesse (a Marine) is about to be deployed over seas. So we decided to take the initiative and celebrate early. It was so much fun.
This was Lex's first Christmas. She handled it with flair. She managed to impress everyone with her ready smile and her girlie laugh. It was so cute!
Tim was going a mile a minute, and had everyone in the palm of his hand. He has just recently learned to say everyone's name audibly, so they all loved that. Especially Brian and Meghan since he has not seen them in almost a year. It was great.
They both loved their presents. Tim was so excited to show Lex how to play with her toys that he could hardly contain himself.
Anyway it was a great time to be surrounded my family. It sure is quiet now that everyone has gone home.
Mike and I will just have to console ourselves that we get to do it all over again on Dec. 25th with my family. More fun to come.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Lioness, the Shoe, and the Earlobe...

The first animal that we can recall from Timothy was his "mooooooo" of a cow. since then he has added quite an impressive animal language replete with his various dialects (which depends on his level of excitement at the time).

I have mentioned the challenge and joy of reading a series of stories where the main character (oh, how I must resist calling him the mane character) is a Lion. Tim has developed an impressive roar, worthy of the cub of Aslan, were such a thing to exist. If you think that it cannot get any more cute, I must warn you to have your "Cuteness Stablizer" in hand for it is about to go off the scale.

My son and I were having a mighty roaring fight as to who could roar the best (ok, so the competition was in my mind only). After a few volleys, we both took a break. Out of nowhere I heard this tiny, cutesy little "rawr" from I don't know where...until I looked down and saw my little lioness cub, Alexa, who had been ever so diligently watching her brother and daddy playing. Her little "intrusion" was to say, "I wanna play!"

But, there was no mighty roar, no great thrust from her diaphragm, but that little, tiny, "rawr" was the biggest one of them all.

My son has determined that it is his lot in life to go with only one shoe of his on. Unlike the times when he decides to wear mine (see below) he enjoys tormenting daddy by waiting 10 seconds when he is in his car seat to take his shoe off. His left shoe...it is always his left shoe. The next iteration of shoewear must be secured by rivets.

I am going to start convincing myself that he is practicing to be a placement kicker and is taking his shoe off for style and control. Thinking that he will be making multimillions and buying Dad his extravagant house with his envied library will help me to endure...I keep telling myself.

Mom is suddenly being bombarded by the interest in all the bling bling in her ears by Alexa. Those poor earlobes are just recovering from when Timothy when through that stage.

Personally, I think that clipons should be the rule when around babies, but, then, since I don't where them my opinion means little there.

Timothy, master of the artful dodger craft, has apparently "lost" several of mom's necklaces and other jewelry. My son, that placement kicker deal needs to go through because, pal, when you start messing with mom's jewelry...well, a word of advice, my son, mighty civilizations have fallen for less.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Porter Family

Big Shoes to fill

My son is so funny. He seems to learn something new everyday. This week he learned how to strip out of all his clothes and streak through the house naked as a jay bird. This is especially fun considering it is winter. Granted, Arizona does not get that cold, but still.
He has also learned how to put things on... Like his shoes.
The other day I came into the kitchen and found him putting on daddy's shoes. It was so cute.
I was at that point, reminded of how much of a responsibility we have as parents. I have heard the phrase "he sure has some big shoes to fill" a thousand times. It never really sunk in what that meant until that moment. My son will forever stand in the shadow of his father.
Mike is a great man. I can only hope that our son will grow up to be a lot like him. I can already see a lot of Mike's traits in Tim. The same determination to have things done a certain way. The ability to debate anything (although we can still only understand about half of what Tim says, the fact that he talks when he is in trouble leads us to the conclusion that he is arguing his case). He also has Mike's sensitivity and loyalty to people. Another trait they both seem to share is a certain stubbornness, one born of intelligence and a certain flair for all things obvious.
I pray each day that my son is happy and healthy, and that he grows up to be a great man... If he is anything like his father... He will be.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A day at the park

Well the weather has been just perfect here the last few weeks. So we decided to take advantage of it and go to the park. It was a blast. We met a good friend and her twin boys there. The kids all had so much fun. We started out feeding the fowl. There were ducks, peacocks, chickens, roosters, geese and lots of pigeons. The geese were a little scary, as the kids do not know to pull their hands away, so a few fingers got lightly nibbled. But for the most part the birds are pretty friendly. I even managed to get the peacocks to eat out of my hand.
After all the bread was gone, we make the trek over to the playground. That is always lots of fun with toddlers. Tim went down the slide all by himself. He had only done this once before, but that day he went down many, many times. It was great to see. He is becoming so independent. (It helps that the other 2 boys were going down by themselves too!)
Lex was not content to set in the stroller for to long. She wanted to play with the birds. Then at the play ground we took her out and let her "walk" and she even got to go down the slide. It was a blast!

Anyway, just wanted to update everyone...
We're actually celebrating Christmas a little early in the Porter side of the family, as there is family here from NY, and Mike's brother Jesse is getting shipped out at the beginning of Dec. So we all decided to combine Thanksgiving and Christmas. So in the next few days there should be lots of pictures, and stories to be posted.
Everyone have a VERY Happy Thanksgiving, and check back soon after... LOL

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Goodbye Dr. Rogers.

A geat voice has been silenced here on earth only to be re-awakened in heaven. The host of great Baptist preachers with a symphony of booming voices now shake the thresholds in heaven. Lord, raise another Dr. Rogers.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Captain Timmy, the friendly Pirate

Timmy is a friendly child. When he gets to the nursery at our Church he has to make the rounds. Hugging and kissing all the other kids (and some of the more well known adults). However, the last week or so he has focused in on two particular boys at our Church. Jacob and Vinnie.
Jacob is not much older than Tim. He just turned 2. At first he did not know what to think of his pal being so affectionate. Now however, (after several weeks of Timmy giving hugs and kisses) he gets so excited to see Tim, and they hug, and then they go play (somehow managing to wrestle each other to the floor in the process). It's pretty funny.
The other boy is Vinnie. Now Vinnie is 5. He and Tim, most Sunday afternoons can been seen running through the fellowship hall, chasing each other. Even Mike was surprised our little guy could keep up with a 5 year old. They came over to dinner one night, and the kids wore each other out. They next day, Vinnie's parents told us they made a bet to see who would fall asleep first... Tim (who was home and in bed as soon as they left) or Vinnie (who had about a 15 minute drive). We concluded it was a tie. Tim was asleep as soon as they left. They told us Vinnie was asleep almost as soon as they started the car. Crash and burn!
Tim's latest thing however, is that anytime we go ANYWHERE. He starts in "Jacob?...Vinnie?"
We tell him we will see them when we go to Church (and the occasional playdate) and that seems to satisfy him for that moment. Then as soon as we get to where we are going "Jacob? Vinnie?" It's like a movie that has been set on a play back loop.
In fact as I am sitting here writing this I can hear him in his room... Babbling... "Mommy... Daddy... Agga (Alexa)... Quack Quack Quack, do do do do (if you have ever seen The Wiggles TV show, that is one of the songs they sing about a duck and a rooster)... Jacob... Vinnie..." Then there is a string of something I cannot understand, and then he starts all over again. I have to laugh out loud as I hear him.
He really is just the cutest toddler around.
Lex is the room too... She just babbles along with him while he recites his script. She stands in her crib and applauds for Tim while he is talking. She is just the cutest baby around.
Anyway, this was to cute to not share.
I also wanted the parents of Jacob and Vinnie to know how grateful we are that the kids are Tim's friends. We know that they are raising their kids with similar beliefs, and we will never have to worry about what they are learning from one another. We are grateful for that. And for the opportunity to have some meaningful adult conversations with out worrying to much about the kids. Hopefully, they will continue on and become great friends, and have many adventures together.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Greatness among us...

My brother is a hero. No, really. He is. I know that it is common to think of a "hero" as anyone who can be helpful in a time of need. It is common to think that a hero is someone who can do something as mundane as take out the garbage, find a book in a library, or deliver a pizza in 30 minutes or less. That is not the kind of hero my brother is. I don't mean that he is a hero in the modern, meaningless, "everybody is a hero to someone" sense. He is not a ‘hero’ who specializes in excelling in the mundane. He is not a Higglytown Hero. He is a real American hero from Phoenix, Az.

My brother is a U.S. Marine. He is Lance Corporal Jesse Porter of the Second Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment. He has served his country in Iraq, defended a foreign government from attack, and oversaw an election in a foreign country to ensure that threats and intimidation were minimized. He was part of a quick response team that saved lives of men far better prepared to engage in combat operations than most people who ever read this are.

For months he did this daily. For months he saw friends get injured, and while at times afraid, never cut and ran. For months he covered the exit of his brothers in arms, being the last to leave because of the fatal weapon he carried. For months he endured rigid training, harsh conditions, and action that he does not wish to discuss with civilians since most would simply not understand anyway.

My brother is a man among men. He does not tremble at a leaf rustling, he does not fear using aggression, and he has no issue with taking an enemy life in the context of combat. And, yet, he is gentle with my daughter and playful with my son as if he had never seen bloodshed in his life.

My brother stands in defense of others knowing that his own life may be lost in this process. He stands for the resurrection of a free Iraq knowing that our media at home diminishes his efforts and the efforts of his brethren.

I understand that everything he does is a part of his job. But it is a job that he chose to do and that many would not choose. He chose to be a U.S. Marine because he understood that it would be hard. This he chose to do in a culture where just being mediocre is considered a great achievement, and where greatness is largely unrecognized or met with quiet dispassion or disdain.

My brother is a hero of the sort of the firefighters who had to carry heavy gear up hundreds of flights of stairs on 9/11 in the hopes of saving some lives…many who had resigned themselves to the likelihood of their death to do so.

Heroism is a concept largely lost on our world until tragedy strikes. Only then do we understand what it means for true heroism to be displayed. A man is not a hero because he excelled in mastering the mundane. He is not a hero because he did something average. He is not a hero who does something with no cost or threat to himself. He is a hero precisely because for a brief time he was more than a man. He rose above his fears, he rose above the average, and he accomplished something that others will never do in their lifetimes…even if it is the giving of his life in the charge of his duty.

How we have lost our understanding of greatness in these times.

My brother will stand at his post knowing that senators, representatives (I call them “Reprehensibles” sometimes), media, and some other civilians will degrade and dishonor his work there. He will combat the enemy knowing that he will be portrayed a ruthless killer if he is filmed doing so. In doing his job and defending this fragile government (one that is as fragile as we once were) he may be lied about and charged with murder. It has happened to these men before. In face of the bullets ahead of him and the bullets behind him at home, he will stand and defend, or he will charge and attack. But he will not falter.

I will teach my son the meaning of greatness and the meaning of heroism and I will use my brother as an example of what it means and what it takes to be more than a man.

I will counter the notion that everyone is a hero if they find that library book or take the garbage to the dump or drive people on the bus. I believe that such a notion dishonors those who do truly magnificent and noble work. I say this not to insult the work of everyday people, but to extol the work of great men. And I know that some military men are not heroes, but are evil. I know that some policemen are not heroes, but are corrupt. I know that some firemen are not heroes, but are perverted. But I know that those are few and most will place their lives on the line when called upon for the rest of us. These men, and my brother, are not on the level of taking out the garbage or finding a library book. These men stand above the ordinary. They are extraordinary. And that means something to me. And it will to my son and daughter, for that is what I intend to teach them.

It may be true that everybody can be a hero to someone. It is not true that everyone is a hero or acts heroically. My brother is a hero, and he thinks nothing of it. That is the quiet greatness of a hero.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Feeding the Animals

Our son seems to think that the animals (ie, the birds and insects) around our house need to be fed.
He also seems to think that birds and insects like people food such as macaroni and cheese and animal cookies. LOL
With the weather being so nice I had the gate up in front of our back door to keep the kids from getting in the back yard. I was cleaning up from lunch, and I thought Tim was watching TV. Well, the next thing I know, I see him throwing something in the back yard. I almost laughed out loud when I saw that he had been picking up the food that had been on the floor, and was throwing it in the back. When I asked him what he was doing he tweeted like a bird, and pointed to the tree. I then asked him if he was feeding the birds. He said yes while (simultaneously) grabbing a bag of animal cookies off the table (before I could grab them) and dumped the whole bag out the door. He was so proud of himself... He really wanted to feed the "animals".
It took all I had to not laugh. He did get in trouble, but I let him off easy with a quick swat to the rear and a warning to not throw food outside.
As soon as he went down for a nap I cleaned it up... Chuckling the whole time. I told Mike... If we have ants we know who to blame.
I needed that moment. That moment to chuckle and reflect that Tim is still little in so many ways. To see his innocence. All he wanted to do was feed the birds.
I tend to forget that he is still little. He is growing up so fast. I get so busy with Lex, and other things sometimes, that I take his toddlerness for granted. It was good for me to reflect on that.
Anyway, just another day in the life of the Porter's.
But, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Halloween update

Well Halloween has come and gone. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Remember as a kid how this time of year seemed to go soooo slow. It seemed like you waited all year for the night of dressing up, trick or treating , and all the candy you could eat in one night. It was the greatest. My kids were so funny. They are really to young to get much out of Halloween, but we tried to dress them up anyway. (Note I said tried to dress up...heh) Lex was a doll, and she looked sooo cute as Snow White. Tim was supposed to be a Karate guy... But he threw a fit about wearing the costume. These pics are the best pictures I got with him dressed up. (sigh) Oh well. I guess I should enjoy the fact that they are to young to get whacked out on a sugar high, and that at lest one of them is happy to let me pick out her costume.
Anyway, we spent Halloween with my folks. It was fun. My parents don't do much for Halloween, being that their kids are all grown. I do think they enjoyed themselves almost as much as the kids. We went to a Fall Festival run by a local Church. They had lots of games. Tim got to "cheat" at the games. Being that he was so little they let him "win". He made out like a bandit He got to pick his prizes, so he came away with 2 new matchbox cars, 2 footballs, a whirligig thing, and a Styrofoam plane. Plus, he got a bag of candy. Shesh. Lex was perfectly happy being cute all night as long as Gramps held her. So, all in all it was a fun evening. Hopefully, next Halloween will be as painless as this one.... Although I doubt it.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

My day was made yesterday evening when I came home from work and my son, who was hungry and cranky moments before saw me entering into the back yard, jumped down from his chair, and started beating on the arcadia door and started yelling, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

I opened the door and swooped down to pick him up and he kept yelling Daddy! and then proceeded to "tell" me about his day, give me huge Timmy hugs, and would not let me go for about five minutes. For that time I was the world's coolest dad, and I felt like a million bucks.

I had an interesting perspective last night when I was holding my daughter while I was at church. I walked up to several men including one of the elders in our church. Now, the elder, James White, is a man I have known since I was 16 years old. I learned much from him.

He was in his 20's then and a director of Alpha and Omega Ministries (he still is, BTW). I remember as an annoying 16 year old, asking millions of theological questions, but always intimidated by his intellect.

One day I walked in while he was dancing with is daughter, Summer. She could not even walk at this point, but he was the happiest dad, this was easy to see.

Well, this interesting perspective came when now it was I who was dancing with his daughter and showing her off. James, whose eldest child is in college (his daughter is a teenager with a driver's license and is not afraid to use it), commented that he is old enough now that he can look forward to this as a grandparent (he was making my daughter giggle up a storm).

Truly hit me that time in this life is but a vapor trail. In comparison to the eternal, as soon as our life has begun it has been gone a long time.

As I have reflected the joy of seeing my family when I come home (and they me) and realizing that my time on earth is finite, I do see more than ever to enjoy this time that the Lord has given me. But not to enjoy it in a "right now counts for right now" mindset. But rather, if I may cite a favorite movie of mine, "What we do in life echoes in eternity." One should live his life with all his might while he yet lives, knowing that he does not touch today only, but his fingers touch eternity.

When that little boy runs up to his dad and holds out his tiny arms to be held up a dad should swell with joy and remember that this joy, and that other joy that soon follows with the "tap tap tap" to the feet (as in Alexa who still only crawls) are gifts from a heavenly Father, and should be treated with great care and tenderness. They should be treasured and enjoyed, loved and cherished.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Best Kids Award

I have the best kids in the world.

I know for a fact that the above statement is true.

I was so happy yesterday. I was trying to get some things done for my business and I was a little stressed. My kids made it so easy. They were content to play with each other, with the occasional coming in to make sure I was still there. It was so nice.
It's a little sad too (repeat after me) "my kids are growing up".

I think parents must say that a lot... Or at least think it a lot. I know I do. At least once a day one of the kids will do something and I think, "wow, they are getting so big" or " they are growing up so fast." It's amazing to me to think that just 9 months ago Alexa was not even born yet. And here she is trying to walk and talk and getting in to everything... (where does the time go?)
Anyway, I will be at my parents over the Halloween weekend, so any blogging will likely be done by Mike.

So, I will post some cute pics and be on my way... gotta pack and shop and make sure all is well before I leave tomorrow.
Have a happy and safe Halloween, and don't worry I will be sure to post pictures of the kids in their costumes next week when I get back. LOL

Monday, October 24, 2005

Sporadic ruminations

Catching up on the recent events, illness has swept through my family, then it did again, and made one final sortie before giving us a rest...until last night when Shannon was once again ill. I just keep reminding her of Job and his patience--and she keeps reminding me of Jael and her Hammer and spike.

Timothy has been growing by leaps and bounds. His vocabulary and perception are evident on every level. He understands multiple commands, he tries to make original sentences. In fact, just last night I was playing "The Claw" with Timothy. "The Claw" is a game originated by my oldest brother to play with him. "The Claw" is just my hand with that ominous voice and those fearsome words "the claw is coming." Tim giggles and runs from the claw.

What made us realize that he tries to put his own thoughts and words together is when he finally got past "The Claw" (the claw was "distracted" so he could run to mom) he was clearly trying to tell his mom about the claw. We could hear him say "daddy," "Claw," and "get me," "mommy." There were no clear words in between, but since Daddy was the claw and the claw was trying to keep Tim from bothering mom we gather he was trying to tell us how Daddy and the claw were trying to get him when he went for Mommy. It is our best guess, but it will do.

Oh, and, by the way, Tigger and Pooh have become a regular part of our audience for Storytime with Daddy. I don't even get a half page in when I hear, "Pooh!" This is his indication that he wants both Pooh and Tigger since he grabs both even though he only says "Pooh."

Alexa is quite the growing little girl. We think she is days away from her first step. She can stand quite well on her own right now, and is so very motivated to play with brother (either that or just get out of his way because...well, those who know Timmy know that if we give him another 200 pounds he'll be Pro linebacker material).

I have always been one of those guys who wanted to come home from work and hear "Daddy, daddy, daddy!" when coming through the door. This is what happens when I come home now. Timmy runs to the door yelling Daddy and wants me to pick him up. I think I had the greatest experience the other day when I was holding Tim up and getting mega-Timmy hugs and hearing about his day when suddenly I felt the gentle Tap Tap Tap on one of my feet. That was Alexa indicating that she wanted me to pick her up as well. She had crawled all the way from the thriving metropolis of the living room through the vast wasteland of the kitchen, just to have Daddy pick her up (I know we are only talking 20 feet but my description sounds better).

They love it when I swoop them both up and dance with them.

Shannon has really been working a lot of overtime trying to be Mom and work her business. She gets up early with the kids, stays up late to work on her craft projects. I think the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 is described like that. Now, if we can only get her some handmaids to help her with her duties. Hmm...nah, Alexa is just too small, I guess.

Shannon and the kids are going to be off to the Grandparents in Yuma this weekend. Grandparents (especially grandma and great-grandma) are really excited since they will see cute kids dressed up.

And, Dad is going to be all alone. Although, he was invited to a costume party. He and his weightlifter friend may just go as Hans and Frans.

Whew! I hope I am never so busy that I miss all these wonderful things that are happening in my life right now.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Ok Ok, so I got on to my hubby about blogging and here it is 9 days later and I have not even managed to get a post up.
Things are well here, just busy. Or at least I think it's been busy. It seems like we are on the go all the time, but yet nothing ever seems to really get accomplished. Hmmmm, I think that has a lot to do with being a stay at home mom with 2 (mobile) kids under the age of 2. Then again, it could just be me.
With the holidays right around the corner it seems everything is moving so fast. Halloween is not to far off, then there is Thanksgiving and Christmas right after that, followed by the New year. Oh, it does not end there in our family, for in Feb., we now have 2 birthdays to celebrate.
Yes, in just a few months Alexa will be 1 year and Tim will be 2 years old. It's very strange to think about that. We tried so long to have kids and to now have 2 a year apart, it's pretty amazing. They are growing up so fast.
Anyway, I digress.
I am actually looking forward to the holidays. I mean, Holidays are always fun. There are costumes at Halloween, Turkey and lots of family at Thanksgiving, and opening gifts at Christmas have always been fun. Now those things are enhanced. Mike and I get to go back to being kids again. We have our own kids. We can relive all those things with them. They are still to little to care to much about dressing up, and at Christmas the boxes will likely enthrall them as much as the presents themselves. But just watching them and all the amazement in their expectant faces... It's a wonderful thing.
So this holiday season, take a moment to watch a child, really pay special attention... You may just find out what the holidays are really about.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Getting blogged down...

My dutiful and lovely wife kindly mentioned that I had not blogged here in a while. Part of the reason for this is that I have been guest contributing to another blogsite: www.aomin.org. It is not enough to keep me from blogging here, but I have been preparing another blog article. Unlike some people who seem to have the knack for writing outstanding blog articles with great substance, I have to work a bit more at it.

Maybe I should have my son take over blogging for me here on this site. I mean, who wouldn't want to here how there is no moon in the sky? We had a new moon the other night and he was perplexed that he could not find it when my brother took him out to see it. "No moon?" was his puzzled and dissapointed question. When by brother explained that it went "bye-bye" he looked up and waved bye to it.

The other day I had one of the greatest reactions from him I had ever seen. At my work I received a gift football that is made of that rubbery-gel type material (Are you gellin'?) that is see-through to a point. In the center there is a flashing light of red, yellow, blue and white.

My son met me at the door and was all excited to show me his blue triangle and green circle. After a bit of time passed to let him show me his toys I presented the football to him. He looked at it with a big smile. Then I turned on the lights and this look of absolute wonder filled his face as he suddenly forgot that he had to objects in his hands, dropped them in a heartbeat and said, "Whoooo!" and took it from my hands.

My daughter was less impressed as it simply served as a means for her to slobber on yet another of Timmy's toys.

As Shannon has indicated, Alexa is now a crawling dynamo and, at least for the time, Tim could not be happier that she follows him around watching his every move. He loves her as an audience. Whatever brother does she tries or just laughs.

We believe that she is saying words now. It came on us so suddenly that we did not even notice that she had been saying them. It is almost as though she went from incoherent babble to saying a few words with no time in between for us to hear any development. One day she said "Mom!" as clear as day. We thought that it was just a mimic of Tim's cries but then she said "Dad" while looking at me when Shannon was not in the room. She was crying and wanted to be comforted. As soon as Mom walked in the room, however, she started crying "Mom!" And now she seems to be able to say "bye." She can have Oprah's job. Tell me who wouldn't rather have her? Ok, besides Oprah.

Hmmm....Tim taking over Larry King's show and Alexa taking over Oprah. Mom and dad are going to be living easy.

How do you follow up that?

Thanks, Shannon.

Friday, October 07, 2005

My hubby

I was looking over past blog entries, and I realized that I have not had much to say about my hubby. (For shame on me!)
Mike is a great hubby and father. He does a lot for me and the kids. (Sometimes, I find out later just how much he REALLY does).
I mean, he even gave up his office so I could have a craft room to work on starting my own business. (All you geeks out there know what a sacrifice that was.)
Besides, he has to be pretty great to put up with someone like me (I know there are a few character flaws I need to work on...LOL)
Well, I just wanted the world to know how much I love my hubby and what a great guy he is. So, Mike if you are reading this... I love you and appreciate all you do! Thanks!


I realized I had never posted an update about our Friends in Louisiana. Eddie and his family are fine, just trying to get back to some sense of normality. Please be sure to check out his blog for a more detailed update.
We greatly appreciate all the prayers and thoughts that went out to our friends and many others during this awful event. Thanks so much.
In reading Eddie's blog, one thing stands clear... God is good. In all that they went through they never lost site of that. Amazing.
God is good, and gracious and just.
In all the things going on in the world today, we need to be more vigilant than ever to remind ourselves of these things. We need to remind ourselves God has a purpose in all things.
We are to be truly thankful for the things we have. And not just the material things, but things like family, good friends, and leaders in our Churches who are out there doing what they can to help people in need (both physical and spiritual).
When I read Eddie's blog it was full of hope and even joy. Even in the midst of all that is going on, there is joy. I know I need to take a lesson from my friends in LA... To be joyful and realize all is well... God is in control.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Officially mobile!

Well now we are in for it... As parents at least.
Alexa is officially mobile. She is like this crawling machine now... With little hands to help her get into things and pull and push things and, and ... Well, just cause chaos in general. (Heh) Not really... She is still pretty docile, and more interested in taking her bothers toys at this point.
I admit I have been dreading this. I mean it's hard enough to have one spirited child who is mobile. Now... There are two.
My fear is this: I can just see me trying to go somewhere and they both decide to take off in different directions... That day will come (sooner than I would like at this rate). (sigh)
Well, my daughter is no longer an infant any more. She is caught in the awkward stage between babyhood and toddlerdom. She is growing up. It's nice in some ways, as she can do more on her own. But she will never be my quiet, snuggly, little baby girl again. She is growing up.
I guess, I should have expected it... I mean, we went through a lot of the same feelings with Tim.
One day we were looking at this cute, cuddly, immobile baby and the next we were staring face to face with a fully-mobile-mind-of-his-own toddler. His favorite thing to do these days is play with his "box". My dad bought a fan a few weeks ago, and we kept the box. Tim started out just putting toys in it and trying to stand on it. Now he likes to drag his toys all over the house in his box. He also likes to sit and watch TV in it... He is so funny these days!
It's amazing how fast they grow up. I seem to be dwelling on that these days. ( I noticed my last few posts have been about that.) I think because of all that is going on in the world today, hurricanes destroying whole cities, crime everywhere and all the other horrible things that the media thinks we need to know about, I think about how my kids will grow up.
It makes me a little sad sometimes. I think of all the family I grew up with and I am saddened that my kids will never get to know their great grandfathers. (However, I am extremely grateful that my kids will know their grandparents and great grandma's and all other family members. Even family that is not blood related.) I hear stories of simpler times, when kids could play outside all day with no worries. My kids will never know that.
As a parent I will never know that. That makes me sad too. I know things were harder back in the "old days", as far as conveniences go. But what we have we gained in return? More personal time? No. More money? No. More quality time with our kids? Ok, I will have to say yes to that one, but I know that for most people that would have to be a big NO. It makes me grateful that at least I am able to stay home, I know for some parents working is not an option.
I am glad that I take a lot of pictures. I am a certified photoaholic. I have lots of photos of everything... It helps me remember. My kids are growing up so fast, sometimes it's good to remember when they were little and immobile (and not tearing up my house) and some times it's good to just remember how we felt at a certain moment in time, and to treasure that... For time is all to fleeting these days.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Scrapbook Group

Ok I am now coordinating a Scrapbook group, to meet once a month. Check out the site.
It is for people in the Phoenix, AZ area who want to meet on a monthly basis to exchange ideas with other scrapers. Please (as with all things) bear with me as I try and get this up and running.
I am looking forward to meeting other people in the area who share the same passion for paper crafts that I do.
Thanks so much for checking in...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


OK here are some really cute pictures of the kids I could not resist posting.
I look at my kids and just think wow... Where has the time gone. I cannot believe that it is almost October... Fall is right around the corner (sigh) and Summer is (almost) gone.
It's been another Summer of first in our house. Lexa is experiencing everything for the first time... Her first time in the pool, her first solid food, her first bump on the head from brother...LOL. That was a first for him too. He felt so bad that he hurt her, he cried almost as hard as her. She is also trying to crawl and walk... We are taking bets to see which she will do first.
Tim actually has to share his toys now, and he has to watch where he is going (which is hard for a toddler) All and all he is a good big brother. He likes to help her do things and he is loving the fact that she laughs at everything he does. She is a built in audience (laugh track included). They are so funny together. Tim is also learning how to color and he is getting the alphabet down pretty well.
It's amazing how fast these kids change. (Sigh... I am not ready for them to grow up.) But they sure are cute!
Well it's late and hubby is up early... nite all

Friday, September 09, 2005

Growing up

Wow, it seems like my kids are growing up right before my eyes.
I have been noticing a few things about my kids the last few days.
When Tim eats now, he no longer gets messy trying to get the spoon in his mouth (and the food that is on the floor is there by accident not because he threw it there on purpose), and the way he loves to interact and play with other kids, and wants to share his toys with his sister (which is a big deal for any 19 month old) . He is getting to be such a "big boy". I was looking at some photos my mom took in June, and I could not believe how much he has matured in just 2 1/2 months.
Lexa too, has changed a lot in that time as well. She is now trying to crawl and she scoots and rolls everywhere. I am not really looking forward to her being mobile, as her and her brother have already been fighting over toys. But even in her look, she has changed. She is still quick to smile, but she watches everything VERY intently now. My dad says she can burn a hole right through you with her stare. She is also starting to mimic things... She claps and will try and wave now and she loves to make funny faces.
It just amazes me that my kids are growing up so fast... I just hope I can keep up.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Eclectic ruminations

Reading The Chronicles of Narnia to a 1.5 year old boy is interesting considering the fact that he is beginning to learn the sounds that animals make. For example, when we switch the TV to a kid-friendly station, such as Animal Planet, quite often you will see a snake on the screen. Timothy, on queue, gives a loud "hisssss" when he sees it.

Well, this makes for interesting reading time because I have my built in sound effects machine. In the creation of Narnia, you hear of a lion ("roooaaarr!!") a horse ("neeeeigh!") and then an elephant (he does not make the sound, he just puts his hand on his nose to signify a trunk).

So, this becomes quite fun and challenging when Aslan, the great lion ("roooaaaarr!!") makes Strawberry, the horse ("neeeeiiggghh!!") a talking horse. And when the Lion ("roooaaaarr!!") turns Strawberry into a flying horse ("neeeeiiggghh!!") named Fledge, and then sends Digory and Polly on an adventure, well, you get the idea. When Uncle Andrew tried to run from the animals, the Elephant (hand to nose) grabbed him with his "tunk."

Maybe I will wait a few more years before I attempt to read The Farm to him.

My daughter is quite the little princess. She is learning how to crawl, although right now it appears to be little more than a glorified face plant as she uses her forehead to balance her body and support her torso.

She also seems to be Daddy's little girl. Everywhere I go, there are these precious little eyes following my every move...what a great feeling. Of course, if mom leaves the room for two seconds and comes back in you would think she had been gone a week by Alexa's reaction! Ah, Shannon deserves such love. She is a great mom.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Wow, what a week. This week has been marred by a tremendous hurricane, and now, still, the aftermath continues.
I want to post a link here to a blog that belongs to a friend, Eddie Exposito, who lives on the outskirts of New Orleans. Eddie and his family made it out ok... We are VERY thankful for that. They are trying, this weekend, to get back to see if they still have a place to live, and what they can salvage.
Please continue to pray for Eddie and his family as they have a long uncertain road ahead of them. There are many places to donate money, but please, consider donating to the site listed on Eddie's Blog. The money will go to Sovereign Grace Church Fellowship. It will be put to good use and go directly where it is needed.
Our hearts and prayers go out to those who have lost loved ones and for those who are still waiting to hear from people. Also, pray for those, who, like Eddie and his family, are displaced in all this. They will have a long road ahead of them.
God is in control, may He continue to shine though this devastation.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Good traditions. Great rewards.

Being a Dad is quite a responsibility, but there are some great rewards.

Recently, I have been reading The Chronicles of Narnia series to my son just before he goes to bed. It started off, initially, as a means to get him to wind down as well as give Mom a chance to relax for a few minutes as well. It has become one of the things I look forward to in my day. Timmy seems to enjoy it as well. The other night after Shannon set Alexa to bed I sat down in the traditional place I do to read to him unaware that I had done so. Without missing a beat, Timmy went to the bookshelf and pulled down The Magician's Nephew and brought it over to me to read to him. Ready or not, Dad, it was time!

Now, I think, he looks forward to those times. Even though he still plays with his "fir cuk" (which, being interpreted is "Fire Truck") and gives a hearty "Whoo Whooo!" he still sits right next to me while I read to him. In fact, sometimes he grabs his own books and tries to read aloud to me while I am reading to him.

Well, he is only a year and a half. But I think we have great fun with our time. When she gets a little older, we will include Alexa to "Storytime with Dad."

Good traditions start somewhere.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The experience of being a Porter...

The experience of being a Porter is, well... To be honest, it's exhausting.
Both my children are going through this "clingy-I-only-want-mommy" and "if-mommy-leaves-the-room-I'm-gonna-cry" phase. My children are a joy and a blessing... But I gotta have some me time.
So I am enjoying my time back here cooped up in my craft room, all by myself. I am on this quilling kick (see my craft web site for more info on that) and I have been back here doing my thing, on the computer just surfing. It's nice to be able to do all that and not have a toddler in your lap who feels it necessary to touch everything in site, and who likes to "type" IM's to daddy at work. Lexa is almost as bad... She is in the grabby stage, so anything with in her reach now, she has to have it, and once she gets it, she puts in her mouth.
Proof of this came this morning. I took my car to get the oil changed, and they had complimentary donuts, so I took one, thinking I would share with Tim. Guess Lex had other ideas... She grabbed for that doughnut so fast it took me a second to realize what she had done. In that second she put that piece in her mouth and then proceeded to look at me with that, proud "look, what I did mommy" look. It was so funny, I had to laugh, and the gal at the desk (who had seen the whole thing) laughed too.
Anyway... Thought I'd share... Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

In honor of...

One of our dearest friends has accomplished a major milestone. She is a single working mother of four who has recently graduated from college with her degree in Elementary Education.

Considering the last four years of sacrifice, struggle, heartbreak, stress, and ultimate victory, I would like to mention Christina Escobedo.

We are very proud of her accomplishments and have come to respect and admire her determination and passion for her work, life and, most of all, her children.

Christina, you've done great. Congratulations, Wonder Woman!

Mike and Shannon

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Some kids really understand the proper role and purpose of a mom.

Timothy and I were singing different songs --ABC, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and some others. I decided to sing Lean on Me to see if he would chime in since I used to sing that to him when he was still on the bottle.

You might know the lyrics, "Some time in our lives we all have failed, we all have sorrow. But, if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow..."

Timmy entered his own well timed lyrics.

Daddy: "But, if we are wise, we know that there's..."
Timmy (interrupting): "Mommy!"

Yeah, I guess it would be wise to know that there is Mommy. Good job, son.
Yowzers! Make a self-deprecating comment and get thrown on to the proverbial couch.

Anyway, so now the pictures are finally flowing (see Shannon's post below). Now, as you can see, we have the the lovely Alexa as she poses ever so politely and dignified for the camera (take a look at those georgeous eyes of hers), and the World Famous Timothy the Magnificent working on his latest masterpiece. Note the hues, the tones, the brushstrokes. Note the mixture of reds and blues...in his mouth after tasting the yummy crayon. Well, ok, it is not in this picture, but this was our experience at a Mexican food restaurant recently.

So, last night Alexa made Dad's day. She clearly said "hhrruh!" And we all take that as clear articulation if, "Hi Daddy!" That's Daddy's little girl. Of course, she is really attached to her mom. (Audience participation: "How attached is she?")

She is so attached that whenever mom leaves the room Alexa (who still can't crawl) rolls in the general direction that mom went and has an expression on her face as if to say, "Oh no you don't!"

Tim was a riot at Grandma and Grandpa's place (I should say, the Phoenix-based Grandma and Grandpa). It was Open House and the Improv where Timothy was raising the roof.

He saw a family picture of the four of us and is now able to distinguish between picture and person. He was walking around for...ever looking at the picture, pointing to it and saying, "Daddy!" Then he would look at me and say, "Daddy!" Then back and forth over and over. He was so proud of himself.

He then shifted to Mom ("Mommy!" in the picture and "Mommy!" in real life), and "lil' girl" which is what Mom frequently calls Alexa and Timothy emulates to the pitch!

He was also rooting for James Bond to beat the bad guys (hey, prove to me he did not!)

Look out Larry King, the better man is coming to take your job away...
Ok so my husband does not think I am wise....hmmmm, me thinks he may sleeping on the couch tonight....LOL
Wow, things have been a little crazy here, and it's only Monday. We had to endure almost 24 hours of no air conditioning... Anyone who has ever lived in AZ knows that it gets HOT. Our house when we got home from Church yesterday was 90 degrees... YUCK! Well, we survived with fans and lots of water... and it's all better now, the thermasat reads a comfy 79 degrees.
I thought I would post a pic here of my beautiful daughter, she sat in the big high chair for the first time the other day. This high chair is special. It used to be mine when I was her age. My grandmother kept it all these years (we will not mention exactly how may years that is) and she gave it to us when my son was born.
Hard to believe she is almost 7 months old already... where does the time go?
Oh I and I cannot forget my son... wow, at 19 months he is a heart breaker. He amazes me everyday with something new that had learned. His latest thing is to help me "clean" (anyone with toddlers knows that when toddlers help, they end up making a bigger mess... but that's ok) He likes to help with the dishes (what he really likes is to splash water all over the kitchen floor) he also likes to help sweep (any piles that I make are promply spread back all over the floor, in the pretense that he is sweeping) and he also likes to help out with his sister (like dumping powder all over the place while I am trying to change her diaper) I guess I should be greatful that he is helping at all, I mean one day he will be a teenager. Heheheh

Saturday, August 20, 2005

"Poor, lost souls?"
"...looking for some element of wisdom?"

Wow, did they come to the wrong place!!

Well my hubby has been bugging me for a post all day...
So here it is.

Ok, ok I was going to leave it blank, but I just could not do that to all the poor, lost souls who would come looking for some element of wisdom.
So, here is my thought for the day....
"In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips!"
Hehe, sorry, I have been making cards all night, and I guess I got carried away.
I will post more (hopefully) tomorrow, along with some really great pics of the kids....
Nite nite

Friday, August 19, 2005


So, who expected that it would actually take this long for us to finally get blogging about our exploits, adventures, and general ruminations? Well, those of you that know us realize that the last few years have been like trying to drive a 3 cylinder Geo Metro up a 6% grade hill while dragging a Chevy Impala with three flat tires.

The challenges and blessings of two children barely a year apart, Shannon being the ever diligent wife and mom, Tim practicing to take over Larry King's talk show, Alexa working on taking over the world one heart at a time, and me attempting to learn the ancient martial art of Get Sum Do (also known as making more money than I currently am) has been enough to suck up all our time.

And yet, Shannon still makes the time to stuggle to get her home-based business going (imakecraftstuff.blogspot.com - take a look) and I have been making time to read and study as often as I can and still practice martial arts (the real stuff).


This blog will be primarily for family and friends, of course, who are gluttons for more blogging punishment, but who also would like to keep up with us, see pictures of great kids and a camera shy mom, and maybe feign a passing interest in what the dad does (which is ok, because the other three are far more interesting anyway, unless that is you wish to know what I am currently reading, in which case I would tell you that it is Justification and Variegated Nomism: The Complexities of Second Temple Judaism Volume 1...I warned you...the other three members are far more interesting).

Now, if anyone is still reading after that last parenthetical statement, that is, if you did not fall asleep just reading that title (for the record, I am also reading the Lord of the Rings series), then I will have Shannon post some pictures and make some comments herself later. And, Dad, yes, I realize that my last paragraph consisted of one long sentence, but in my defense, I claim that it is biblical. If you don't believe me, translate Galatians where three verses might be only one sentence. Don't blame me, blame Paul! I love our victimized society.

And, just so you know, I won't subject you to lengthy posts on my readings or studies. I have another blog I started and will post some observations there and link them for all interested.

Besides, anyone who has been the recipient of an email from Shannon (especially those poor souls who are still on dial-up) know that Shannon will be flooding this site with a veritable portfolio of mini-models, hams, and adorables. When will I have the ability to blog here, anyway? :-)

And, don't get used to this look. My parents remember what my room looked like until I started dating Shannon, and how they suddenly they were no longer ashamed if I left my door open. Give Shannon a decent web designer and she'll go nuts (husband resists the temptation to comment...realizes he has to eat and sleep sometime).

Ok, I have waxed long on profound nonsense, so I'll stop. I hope you all enjoy our site. And, feel free to comment.